Chapter 5: Here we go Again

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 Waking up in a hospital bed feels like deja vu for Kim, but his time she isn't alone. Melissa is sitting on a chair with David on her lap and an unknown woman is in another chair. Sitting up Kim starts moaning at the pain she is feeling in her back, face and stomach. 

Upon hearing her moan Melissa jumps up out of the seat and begins ranting about how she needs to take it easy and she will look for the doctor.

"Glad to see you are awake" a soft voice says from the other seat, causing Kim to turn her head and face the women who she help earlier.

 "Yes I am awake, thanks for staying but you did not have to," Kim says.

"Am good, just a little shook by the turn of events, my name is Kerry but enough about me Kim, Melissa has told so much about you." 

"Kerry as in Melissa's Aunt?" Kim asks as she turns her head to the side. 

Smiling, Kerry winks and says, "The one and only," then she grabs Kim's hands and asks "Do you have anyone I can call for you?" Kerry asks. 

Kim replies, "No! both my mother and father are decease, so I decided to move here from Australia with my little brother." 

"Wow you are such a responsible young lady especially at this age," Kerry says as she rubs her shoulder.

 Kim smiles and says in a shy voice "Thank you." 

The doors open and in walks Dr. Michaelson, "we meet again Kim if you keep getting hurt like this every time, people are going to start thinking this is your excuse to see me," he says with a cheesy smile on his face.

Kim laughs at Dr. Michaelson and says as she rolls her eyes, "Yea because getting a concussion have me falling hard for you." Everyone in the room starts laughing including David who has just awake.

"Kerry!" Someone bursts through the doors shouting, then asks, "Are you okay honey?"

"Calm down Charles, am alright, better than the women that save me," Kerry answers as she looks at the man with adoration.

Charles took a deep breath and turns to look at Kim. "Thank you!" he says to her and Kim holds up her hands and replies, "No problem, I would like to think someone will do it for me if I was in that situation." Charles smiles and gives her a nod of approval. 

"Mother," more voices comes at the door but one voice stands out and it is the devil himself, Alexander Diaz. As he walks in, Alexander looks at Kim and she looks back wondering how she can not notice the resemblance in him and his father. 

Dr. Michaelson begins to speak, "Well Kim, looks like you not only have two broken ribs but a slight concussion as well as bruises with swelling that line up and down your spine. Thank God that man did not do more damage because you would have end up in a coma or worst." 

From the corner David starts to cry and runs to Kim. "KJ you could have gone to Heaven just like daddy, please KJ be careful."

"It's okay buddy I was only helping someone who needed help, but next time I will try to find a two by four and swing," she says as she rubs his head.

David pouts and says, "KJ you really trying to give me a heart attack, am getting too old for this. At this everyone starts to laugh in the room.

"By the way KJ, did you get the Job? Did the interview went well?" he asks then shakes his head and says, "No wait, I know you did because Sissy always does good." David says grinning.

Kim replies to David telling him she did not get the Job causing David to frown and say, "Oh am sorry Sissy" in a sad voice. A second later, he puts on a serious face and says, "Don't you worry, you will find another one, I know you will because as daddy always use to say, we Jones are, are, are...

Knowing what he wants to say, Kim finishes his sentence by saying, "Tenacious." 

"That's right!" David says and Kim laughs at him and bring him in for a hug where she discovers he is burning up severely. 

"David did you take your medication? You are burning up," she says in panic.

David looks, down and mumbles a "no" but Kim hears him. 

"David why?" she asks sternly as she awaits his answer.

Tucking his lips in, he looks up at Kim with tears in his eyes then says, "Because I did not want the medication to empty quickly, we were low on income and knowing that you were waiting on being hire at Diaz Incorporation, I wanted to wait until you have that Job so we can be financially stable and then I can take my meds everyday." 

Kim huffs and with tears in her eyes says, "David I do not mind the medication running out because I will always be able to afford it. Especially when it comes up to your well being, so please take it everyday or I will tickle you everyday for the rest of your life." 

Looking at David, she sees that he still is sad and to cheer him up she smirks then says, "Even when you are old enough start dating, I will tickle you in front of your girlfriend," then she starts to tickle him. Laughs from both Kim and David has everyone in the room smiling at them.

Kim forgets that she is not alone and hangs down her head in embarrassment. "Sorry I forget that you all were still here." 

"It's okay, you are a very wise young adult and David is a very smart boy for his age, Kerry says as she looks at them with joy in her eyes.

Melissa looks at her friend, "You know you could have ask me for help right?" 

Kim replies by saying, "Yes, but I like doing things on my own and I do not like bothering people with my situations. 

Melissa shakes her head, "I would not mind you are my friend." 

 Alexander who is watching from the corner of the room steps forward, "Ms. Jones my attitude was inappropriate to you and I should not have kicked you out of the company nor accuse you of being a spy."

"You have help me not only make the biggest deal for the company but you have help me find the person responsible for causing information to fall into the wrong hands. I would be greatful to have you join our company." 

"Does that mean my Sissy gets the Job?" asks David. 

"Yes indeed she does have it if she still wants it," Alexander says as he looks at Kim awaiting her answer.

 Kim looks at David and asks, "What do you think buddy?" 

"Take it, Take it, Take it," David chants along with everyone in the room.

"Okay I will" Kim agrees with a small chuckle.

Alexander face shows appreciation, "Well since you agree you will be moving into one of the Companies Penthouses and from there we will discuss your working arrangements  but first get some rest, your body needs healing," he says. 

Kim and Alex keeps staring at each other like they were the only two in the room. Charles decides to speak, "Well now that everything is settle lets get going. Kim, David it is nice meeting the two of you and I hope to see you again soon, get some rest.

As everyone walks out, Alex turns around and gives one last look to Kim and then exits the room. Kim who is still staring at the door couldn't help the feeling she get when Alex looks at her. Her heart skips a beat and as she closes her eyes, her dreams consist of Alexander and his beautiful, stone cold eye.

Running from Danger into a protective Stranger (Major Editing!!!)Where stories live. Discover now