Chapter 15: Alexander POV

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"Finding out about Kimberley's betrayal was enough for me to  hit the bar and drink because she is just like Hillary, a money hungry slut. Taking some time off I stayed in my father's guess house sulking until my father threw me out and said to get over it." 

"Melissa have been trying to call me non stop, but I press the ignore button and head out to work. I make my way into the Office where I find Terry my Assistant waiting for me.                            "Sir you have six meetings book today," she says causing me to stop and turn to look at her."

"Meetings? I never schedule no meetings because we lost all of the upcoming clients, I reply looking at her curiously." 

"That's it sir, they were schedule to meet last week," she says as she leads me to my first meeting where the clients are waiting. It take about two hours to deal with them and in the end we gain their cooperation."

"Alexander!" I hear my name being call and turn around to see Mr. Wildgoose. Shaking his hand I ask him, how have you been?" 

"Good," he nods as he replies, then went on to say, "I am impress with your assistant, when she called and told us what Sirus Beckford did causing your company to lose profits, we met and set this hold thing up. She even upgraded our computer systems and place new protection software on them." 

"Yeah! Tara is something I say as I laugh." 

"Tara? Who is Tara? The women we talk to name is Kimberley Jones, she help us and in return we come back to you," Mr. Wildgoose says."

"It was Kimberley? I could not believe my ears. I look at him with my mouth open, then excuse myself to see Brandon and Jarod." 

"Knowing them, they would be in my Office because we were suppose to have our own meeting to clean up what was destroyed by Sirus. I need you two to, but before I finish they beat me to it." 

"All the money that was stolen is back into our account, a women by the name of Kimberley Jones went to the bank teller and asked to speak with her boss. Their they got all the money Sirus stole from you, but since in this situation it took six to nine business days to process we just get notification," Jarod says."

"My dad gets up from the corner and says, "Son it looks like Kimberley tried to fix the problem when she discovered she had been played." 

"Damn it, I need to talk to her I say running my hand through my hair." 

"Brandon shakes his head, "We have a problem," he says with a serious face and continues, "Kimberley is missing, she left David with Melissa and told her if anything happen to her call the police. She went to confront Sirus but never came back to retrieve her things, this morning we discovered Sirus has been shot in the chest and Hillary is dead. Police found a video of someone dragging Kimberley out and she appears to be injured." 

"Looking at my Dad he already knows what I am thinking, he gets up and tells us the car is ready to take us to the hospital. Sitting there, I replay everything that has happen and I wish I had stayed with Kim to let her explain, because of that she is not safe in my arms where she belongs."

"We arrive at the hospital where my mother is waiting for us along with Melissa, David, and my whole damn family! My mother gets up and come towards us as she says, "He is awake and talking to Mike and Frank."

"I huff a breath of relief knowing that my dad contact them. When they walk out of the room, they say they will meet us at the mansion and I know what this mean. Whenever Mike and Frank do not want to speak in public, it means this situation is deep."

Running from Danger into a protective Stranger (Major Editing!!!)Where stories live. Discover now