Chapter 30: Epilogue

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Months has pass since Kim and David came home after being kidnap. "Hey, do you need help?" she asks Kerry who scolds her for not relaxing. 

Alex had arranged for her to see a therapist because her nightmares had gotten worst, but day by day she is healing. Sirus is dead, Neil is dead, Mr. Valentino is dead, Vivian is dead, the gang members that she was being sold to is in prison for life, Stephen is serving thirty years in prison, and Reagan is in prison as well. Who isn't dead is in prison.

Kim hears Tiffany playing with her daughter and David making her happy to see she is okay and adjusting to the Diaz family. When she makes her way to the backyard, she could not help but admire the new landscape that Kerry and Charles organized. They had gotten it fixed before she came home so that she would not relapse because this is where she was sitting as half of the staff died mercilessy by the hands of Sirus men.

Kim hand rubs over the small bump that have form in her stomach. She have not break the news that she is pregnant because the doctors says stress may lead to early miscarriage. Sitting down she hears Alex starts to sing making everyone chuckle. 

"My love Kimberley Jones, I have fallen hard for you and I hope you feel the same way because no matter what, you will always be mine," Alex says as he slowly walks toward her.

Getting down on one knee, Alex reach into his pocket and pulls out a velvet box. When the box is open, Kim covers her mouth with both hands. Pulling her left hand towards him he asks, "Kimberley Jones will you marry me?" 

There is a pause before Kim slips unto the floor in front of him. "Yes, yes, yes, a thousand times yes," she says as the ring is slip on her finger. They both stand up after hearing applause from the crowd around them.

"Speaking of wonderful news I have something I want to tell you all," she says while she hangs her head down and smile while rubbing her baby bump. "Am pregnant!" 

Alex freeze before pulling his hand away causing Kim want to cry until he kneels down and kiss her stomach cooing at it. Then he stands up and brings his lips to Kim passionately. 

"Hallelujah! I am going to be a Grandmother," Kerry screams causing everybody to clap again then congratulate Alex and Kim.

As they walks upstairs to the bedroom, Alex asks, "Is it just me or do you seem different?" 

Kim pecks his lips then says, "I an extremely happy because who would have thought Running from danger would send me into a protective stranger, I am deeply in love with you Alexander Diaz, and I am all yours." 

"Indeed you are Kimberley Jones," he growls before leading her upstairs to their bedroom for a night full of passionate love.

Running from Danger into a protective Stranger (Major Editing!!!)Where stories live. Discover now