Chapter 11: Meeting Mr. Neil and an Unexpected deal

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It has been a month since Alexander and Kimberley started dating and to say that it is bliss is an understatement. She was surprise that he ask her to attend a banquet that was suppose to be this month, but was postponed three months from now due to complications with the guest list.

Watching Alexander speak to his clients in the meeting, she is in deep thought about how lucky she is to have a smart, handsome and sweet man in her life. After the meeting is done, Alexander pulls Kimberley into a kiss. Her stomach have butterflies because in her mind the kiss is slow and passionate.  

"This is something I can get use to," Alex says pulling away from Kim. 

"Oh really Mr. Diaz, then if you want more of this, I suggest you hurry up with your meeting with the staff from England, Kim says and peck his lips.

Cleaning up the meeting room Kim's phone starts to ring causing her to answer it.

"Ms. Jones, it is time for us to finally meet," the voice says.

Kim recognize the voice as Mr. Neil Cooper and gladly agree writing down the place. Kim makes her way out of the building and starts her journey to the Mexican Restaurant. When she arrives fifteen minutes later, she is greeted by not only Neil but an Unknown man as well.

"Hello Mr. Cooper, I am Kimberley Jones I am here because you have information about my father."

"Yes please sit Ms. Jones, we have many things to discuss," Mr. Neil says as he pulls out a seat for her.

Kim squints her eyes in confusion, "Oh am sorry I thought this discussion is private, may I ask who is this?" she asks in suspicion as she looks at the unknown man.

The man chuckles and gets up, holding out his hand, "My name is Sirus Beckford, I am a close acquaintance of Mr. Cooper and I met your father before."

Kim looks at them curiously but gets down to business, "So what is this secret you know about my father?"

Neil takes a sip of his drinks, the says, "Tell us what you know about the software he created and we will tell you if you hit the nail on the head."

"When I found out about my father's software it was after his death, but he did mention that if it falls into the wrong hands, privacy as we know it would not be possible," Kim says.

"You're correct, the software you are taking about is called the pyramid eye, it has the ability to hack any computer remove the firewall and collect all information. Also, it can also spy on persons who have devices with camera and the thing is nobody knows that the software is there because it is invisible. Any attempts to remove it will shut down the computer by literally releasing a dangerous computer virus," Neil says as he looks at Kim with a serious face.

"I can see why my father wanted that software to be safe, but why did you two have to talk to me in person, am pretty sure a phone call could have been convenient," Kim says with an eyebrow raise.

Sirus cuts in and says, "We know you are looking for the software so we want to make a deal with you, we will give you information on the people who kill you father, but you have to give us the software once you have locate it."

There is silence until Kim starts laughing, then her face becomes furious. She stands up and says, "So you are trying to get your hands on my father's work just like the fools who..." she stops before she says too much. She gets up to leave them without bidding them a goodbye.

"Ms. Jones wait, please stop, I need to give you this," Sirus says.

Kim turns around and looks at Mr. Beckford hand, "What is this?"

He replies, "This is more news about your father's case in Australia."

Kim takes the falshdrive but before she could pull her hand away, Sirus kisses her on the lips. Kim pushes him away and slaps him hard.

"Goodbye Mr. Beckford, it seems you have no manners at all, I have a boyfriend who I do not plan on being unfaithful to" and with that she leaves

Kim makes her way back to the office where she discovers that Alexander is looking for her.            "Where did you go? I have been trying to call you,"  Alex asks in worry.

"I had a personal meeting with someone, but now that am available lets go out," she says as she wraps her arms around him.

"Where to?" He asks embracing her as well. 

"Anywhere" she answers and they heads out. 

Alex and Kim watch movies together on his love seat, but the only thing on Kim's mind is, "Should she or should she not tell Alex about everything, from her past to what happen today."

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