Chapter 29: Wedding bells, like hell no, I Forbid it but the disaster that came

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It is the morning of the wedding and all Kim can do is remain motionless while the maids get her ready to walk down the Isles. "Miss please, at least put a smile on your face, you will soon be Mrs. Beckford and have a beautiful family, do not disobey him," the maid says in a soft voice. 

Kim scoffs again before she looks back in the mirror and thinks to herself, "This is suppose to be me and Alex's day but Sirus just keeps taking everything away from me.

The door opens and in walks Vivian, "Oh you look wonderful, this dress belonged to me when I married Sirus Stepfather." Kim is confuse, biting her bottom lip as she wonders why she address him as Sirus Stepfather instead of his name. 

Vivian smile before she holds up a finger and says, "You look gloomy and that can't happen on your wedding day, I have someone that will cheer you up."

The door reopens to reveal David who runs to her as soon as he sees her. Picking him up she sobs as she pulls him closer to her. 

"I miss you sissy," David says causing Kim to cry harder and say back to him, "I miss you too DJ." 

A maid pulls David from Kim in a forceful way causing her to cry harder as she hears Vivian say, "Now if you want to see David everyday in one piece, be a good little girl and go through with the wedding, then bare his child or children as he instructs you too." Nodding her head, Kim allows the maids to clean the make up that is mess up from crying and put a fake smile on her face.

As she walks down the steps, she stops at the door that is open right away. Walking down the Isle, she arrives to Sirus who is standing at the alter with a huge grin on his face. Grabbing her hands, he whispers in her ears, "You look stunning."

The priest begins by saying, "My dearly beloves, we have gathered here to celebrate the union of Mr. Sirus Beckford and Ms. Kimberley Jones, as they say the vows giving to them. Any who thinks these two should not be join together speak now or forever hold your peace."

"This is the part where we step in," a voice says at the end of the Isles making everyone heads snap to it. 

Happiness, relief, and joy fills Kim's body when she sees Alex, Mike, Frank, Charles, Jarod, Brandon and Alex's bother's stand there dress like they were ready for war. David who is between a maid and Vivian quickly gets up and run as fast as his little legs can carry him to them. Charles lifts him up and tucks him to the side on his waist. 

Kim tries to do the same but is pull back by Sirus who looks like he wants to commit murder.    "Let her go or you will regret it," Alex says dangerously. 

"NO!" Sirus yells, "I need her, no I want her, you cannot have her, I deserve everything including that inheritance. I can kill two birds with one stone, marry Kim and get the inheritance when she bares my children." 

Alex can not hold his anger in anymore and yells, "Is it because you are not a Beckford and when your father disinherit you, that made that fact twice as true so you decided that Kim is the only way you can still keep your riches?"

"Besides, you not even Vivian's child," Alex says then looks at Vivian, "Isn't that right?" 

"What are you talking about?" Sirus asks with confusion then he looks at his mom, "He is lying right mother?" 

"No my child I am afraid he is not," A feminine voice says behind Brandon who step aside revealing the woman who Kim met in the bathroom. The woman walks up to Sirus and Kim then continues to say, "I know your are confuse Sirus but when I met Vivian thirty years ago, I never thought she would use me as pawn to get revenge."

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