Chapter 7: Alexander POV

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"Sitting in my office, I lean back in my chair thinking about the blonde that came into my life. I can't remember ever having this feeling with the other women that passed through my life.        Walking into that Café and having her spill her drink on me, I wanted to send her crying for the hills but the minute my eyes behold her beauty, she gave off a sense telling me she needed protection.  Yes, I know she told me some things that was disrespectful and the fire that was in her blue eyes made her look more hot than she was, but you can tell she was innocent with a drop of shyness." 

"When she arrived in my office and did what she did, I could not help but think that my competition send a vixen to draw me in and bring down my company. That is why I let her go because I was not going to be played by another woman. But looking at the security camera with my men I discovered the truth that same day, Camron was my most trusted computer genius aside from Jared and when Jared came back that day from his trip, he was the only one I could rely on to do some digging." 

That day when I got the call from my Dad telling me what happen, I immediately went to the scene and saw a puddle of blood on the floor. Many people was watching and I know somebody saw something so I decided to ask, offering $100,000 to anyone who had seen what happen."

"A little boy who was at the park skating had heard screaming and went to see what had happen, thankfully he got it on video too. When Jared played it on the laptop, to say I was mortified would be an understatement, seeing her being beating like that sent anger through my veins and there was no way in hell I was letting this criminal get away with what he did."

"As Jared dealt with the footage, I made my way to the Hospital. Seeing her like that sent guilt through me, knowing that if I hadn't let her go she would be alright, but then again I would not have seen how caring she is toward people especially strangers." 

"I mean come on, what kind of girl throws herself in harms way for a stranger. Listening to her and her little brother I could not help but feel more guilt because she has so much responsibilities  by herself, that is why I have to make it right, I am starting to feel something for her even though we just meant but I am willing to not push it."

"Then my mind wonders to Camron, that bastard decided to go out with my girl and made up some bull crap lie about being fired because of some ridiculous reason, knowing full well what he really was fired for, and my little Angel is so sweet, caring and so, so, so, so naïve that she believe everything that he said." 

"When my friend called me and told me that she was going with Camron to the restaurant, I had to hurry up and finish my meeting. People thought I was going insane and when I walk into that restaurant, hearing him ask her on a date. That will never happen, she is mine, I need to make sure nobody tries to take her from me and use her because of the way she is."

"A knock came on the door breaking me from my thoughts." 

"Mr. Diaz your father is here to see you," my secretary says. 

"Let him in," I say and my old man walks through the door. 

"Son how you are you doing?" 

"Not good Dad, would you believe Camron try to make a move on Kim?" I ask him with anger lacing in my words.

"Well Son, she does capture men attention and her naïve ways or should I say her innocence makes people want to be with or around her, I personally want to protect her because she is still too young to know anything about this world and the people in it, says my Dad with amusement in his eyes. 

"I know Dad that is why I raise the security station at the Condo to keep an extra eye on her," I reply to him.

Looking at my Dad I see he is in deep thought, "What is it Dad?" 

"Nothing son, she just reminds me of an old friend of mine, his name was Edward Jones but the last time I heard from him is when he sold me some paintings and told me to take care of them." "His wife had some of Kimberley ways and Kim does look like her, where as David looks like a mini version of Edward," my Dad say rubbing his head. 

"Well Kim might be related to them in some ways her last name is Jones," I say to my father causing him to go off in thought again." 

"Well son your mom wants you at the banquet next month hopefully Kimberley will be on your arm, the sly old fox says getting up. 

"Hopefully? Dad Kimberley will  be on my arm and as my girl too. With a smile on my face I set my plan into motion."

Running from Danger into a protective Stranger (Major Editing!!!)Where stories live. Discover now