Chapter 18: Meeting Mr. Valentino

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Hearing the door open, Kimberley looks up to see Tiffany and Reagan standing there with their heads poke in the doorway. "Oh my gosh," Tiffany gasp while Reagan mutters cuss words. 

"Come lets get you out of here, can you walk?" Tiffany asks Kim.

Kim nods and with the help of both girls she gets up and makes her way out the room. "Hey lets get you clean up," Tiffany says as she makes her way to the bathroom to retrieve a bucket and rag. 

"See I told you there is no escaping, just suck it up, your life is over so do not make it hard for us who are trying to survive. Once one girl acts out we all get punish," Reagan shouts while glaring at her.

Tiffany stands up in front of Kim blocking her from Reagan view and says, "Listen, she is scared and has no clue as to why she is really here, so please Reagan do us a favor and shut the hell up. Am tired of you alway messing with the new girls telling them to suck it up when you tried to kill yourself when you first arrive, you might have suck it up but we will never, so back up and leave Kim alone." 

Reagan becomes enrage, you could have hear the tea pot noise from her head going off. "Make sure she is presentable, Mr. Valentino is coming here for her," says Reagan.

"Who is Mr. Valentino?" Kim asks as she looks between Tiffany and Reagan with glossy eyes. 

Reagan smirks and replies, "Your new master who bought you, word is he has been looking for you for a year now and can't wait to claim you." 

Tiffany jumps out of her seat screaming, "Get out and never come around me nor Kim again." 

Reagan laughs and says, "Glad to and I hope to never see Kim's face again."

Looking at Tiffany, Kim says, "I don't get why Reagan is upset with me, what have I ever done to her?"

Tiffany takes a deep breath and turns to Kim, "Because of your actions they gave the girls harsh punishments until it was time to retrieve you. It is not the first time somebody tried to escape so I am use to it. We never had one in a long time. just next time think before you act, am not saying it to be mean but I have seen many girls die because they tried."

Kim lays down and soak it all in because in a few hours her master will arrive causing her life to be over.

"It's time to get up," a harsh voice boom in her sleep causing her to snap her eyes open and look up in Neils face. She whimpers when he pulls her out of the bedroom and into the Dining room. 

"Mr. Valentino! Meet your new slave Kimberley Jones," Neil smile as he speaks. 

"It is a pleasure seeing you Kim, please have a seat as we discuss your arrangements before we leave the place," Mr. Valentino gets up saying while going to hug Kim. Throughout dinner, Kim keeps glancing at Neil who is looking at Mr. Valentino as if he is trying to figure him out.

"Kim pick a girl who will help you gather your things and get you ready to leave," says Neil who looks to be signing a contract. 

"Umm," Kim goes off then picks Tiffany who gets up immediately with her child to help. 

As they where packing Kim could not help but adore Tiffany's child, laughing at how sweet she is and praying in her mind that someday, somebody will give her a family. 

"Let's get these to Mr. Valentino car," Tiffany says, then looks at her daughter and say, "Come help mommy carry Kim's stuff." Getting outside they reach the car where not only Kim but Tiffany and her little girl as well is push inside.

"Drive," Mr. Valentino says.

"What's happening," Tiffany yells holding onto her child and Kim.

"It is okay mam, we are leaving this place and getting you two to safety, just relax." 

The car stops and the door is open by another person. Tiffany gets out with her daughter at her side and Kim comes out after her only to see the person she thought she would never see.

"It can't be," she says before she passes out.

Back at the house, the men runs inside telling Neil and their boss about what transpired with Tiffany, her child and Kim. "What should we do boss" one of the men ask. 

Neil only punch the wall in anger and says, "Find them and bring them to me, nobody and I mean nobody screws me over," Neil says. 

"Where the hell is the girl I bought?" somebody says in a dangerous tone. 

Neil turns around and asks, "Who the hell are you? Because we only had one girl that was sold tonight.

The man growls out, "Yes I know that because I bought Kimberley Jones, my name is Mr. Valentino."

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