Chapter 13: Trouble at work

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Standing in the elevator waiting for it to stop, Kim could not help but wonder if it is a good idea keeping secrets from Alex. She could not shake off the feeling that something bad is about to happen and she will be the center of it all. As the doors open, yelling can be heard from Alexander's office.

"Again!" Kim thinks, "It seems that this man always like to start his morning like this."

Walking into his Office to see what's the problem, she sees a fuming Alexander. "What's going on?" Kim asks. 

Jared who is on the computer tells her, "Somebody hack the system and stole valuable files, it seem that they use a backdoor computer before they got into the company then sent a virus that shut down the entire system."

Kim is mortified that all her hard work of keeping the companies computer network safe is jeopardize by someone. She decides to volunteer to look at the system to see if she can pull the IP address and catch the culprit. After gathering information she makes her way to her office and gets to work immediately.

After hours of working, Kim starts to notice something about the Hackers Internet Address. It matches the same one as on the computer she uses for the company.

"How is this possible?" She asks herself in shock.

Everything leads back to her and she have no idea how she could be the hacker. She notices that money, new plans for the company and a list of upcoming clients were stolen. If this were to be reported to the police, the responsible party would go to prison.

A loud knock is made at the door and she tells the person to, "Come in."

Jared walks in and tells her, "There is an important meeting right now, it is an emergency."

She gets up and makes her way to the meeting room for Staffers where she sees a furious Alexander standing on stage with his father, Brandon and other men.

"Good afternoon, today we discovered that someone hacked our computers and collected important information from us. We figured it is our competitors and just a while ago it was confirmed.  Today Beckford Enterprise announce some of our products and have had a meetings with some of our clients. We lost all of our work because of the virus that was uploaded. Now anyone who have been found betraying our company by working with Beckford will be fired and remove from all of our amenities."

 As Alexander is speaking, Kim is trying to figure out why Beckford sounds familiar until she hears Alexander say, "Sirus Beckford will pay for his crimes."

She runs to the bathroom and empty the contents of her stomach, she can not believe that Sirus is behind the hacking and now it starts to make sense. They hack it through her company computer and the virus was uploaded through the flash drive.

Kim makes her way out of the building bumping into everybody she passes. She finds Beckford Enterprise and runs inside. With the help of the Receptionist she finds his Office and without knocking, barges in. 

"How dare you use me to get information from Diaz Incorporation Sirus Beckford, are you really that selfish? I could go to prison for this," she says with venom.

Sirus looks at her then dismiss the people in the room. "Listen Ms. Jones, our companies have been head to head since our Grandfathers founded it, so it's nothing personal."

"Did I hear you right? Damn you to hell, I have work so hard to be where I am at and for you to take it away after wanting my fathers work, I am starting to think that if I did decide to locate and give you the software, you would use it against me and since you are enemies with Diaz Incorporation it would be a bonus prize to bring them to their knees, am I right?" Kim says angrily.

Sirus looks at her for a moment, "Let me escort you out of the building and after you cool off we can have this conversation later."

Sirus gets up and leads her out the building to her car in the park in lot, "Am sorry Kim but this is how the business world runs, well my business world to be exact, you will never understand and I am pretty sure that Alexander's company can make a comeback, it always do."

Kim looks at him as if he is the most stupid man on earth and says, "Are you serious, do you realize that I can loose everything I worked for and be label as a traitor because some idiot decides it will be good to use a vunerable girl to do his dirty work unknownly and now he is standing here telling me there is still a comeback for the company. You know what I have heard enough, good bye Mr. Beckford," she jumps in her car and speeds away.

Walking into the Office, she sits down and decides she should come clean and leave because this is far from over. But the stupid side of her is telling her to attend the company party tomorrow and maybe Alexander will not be upset. Kim gets another unknown text from the same number that scared her last night, so she opens it up.

"It's not good to keep secrets when you know it's going to blow up in our face, enjoy the party tomorrow because you never know when it's your last."


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