Chapter 10: The Devil wears Gucci? And a Memorable Date

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Sitting at her desk, Kimberley goes through the system  to see if the firewall and other amenities are in place. Walking into the elevator, Kimberley makes her way up to Alexander office to give her report of how the system is running smoothly. 

The elevator opens and in walks a woman that could be straight from vogue magazine wearing Gucci from head to toe. She has on so much Gucci, you would think she is the poster woman for their brand.

When the elevator stops on Alexander's floor, Kimberley walks out and heads straight for his office. What in, she holds up the file and says, "I have the report for you on the progress of the..." but before she can finish a high pitch voice interrupts her.

"Aly baby, I thought you don't allow people to walk in your office without knocking or is she more than your worker, possibly a bed warmer, says the screeching voice of the woman in all Gucci.

"What the hell did you just call me?" Kim asks in disbelief. 

"Hillary what are you doing here?" I thought I told you I never want to see your face again," says Alex interrupting Kim who is about to tell this woman off.

"But baby we are still together and I need you to come to my parents house, they are dying to meet you, is Saturday okay for you?" Hillary says in a sultry tone and tries to look seductive.

Alex clenches his teeth before he replies, "No."

Hilary yells, "No! What do you mean no?"

Alex puts up his pointing finger and says, "Number one, we were, are and will never be together, you made that choice when you slept with my number one enemy and number two, I have a date with my girlfriend."

"Girlfriend?" Hillary screams causing both Alex and Kim to flinch. Slamming her hand on the desk she asks, "Who is she? She can't be better than me."

Kimberley who is standing there watching is beckon by Alex to come towards him where she is pull into his lap, then he kisses her neck and looks at Hillary with an eyebrow raise.

"Unbelievable," Hillary says as she throws her hands in the air, she goes on to say, "I just got stood up for a nobody, or should I say a whore.

"Excuse me Ms. Devil in Gucci who is apparently the face of the brand, prostitute that gives it up for free of charge, I have never been with a man in my life so slandering my name calling me a whore, you either need to check the mirror or is your face that scary that the mirrors put themselves back in the store, Kim says clapping back to Hillary.

Hillary has her mouth drop open and as she is about to say something to Kim, Alex kicks her out and threatens her with having Security do the job for her. She left after giving Kim a glare that if looks can kill, she would be dead.

About 4 seconds after Hillary left Alexander burst out laughing, "I can't believe you just told her that," he says amuse.

"Well she looks like she needs to be knock off her high horse," Kim says as she shrugs. 

Kim pauses for a moment going into deep thought then asks "Did you really have to tell her I am your Girlfriend?"

"Yes, because she needs to know unlike her I am comitted to you," he says as he kisses her cheek.

"Alex  we haven't even went on our first date yet," Kim says groaning as she puts her head into his chest.

"Then be my Girlfriend and our first date will be the start of our relationship," says Alex who lifts up Kim's head as he rubs her chin.

"You do realize we have not known each other for that long?" Kim asks tilting her head to the side looking at Alex.

"That does not excuse what I feel for you and it is not infatuation, it is more than that, I can't explain it but it is there," says Alex who is looking at Kim with what she assume is love.

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