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Having a brother, if you have read the previous chapters, can sometimes cause you to have high blood pressure and anger management issues

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Having a brother, if you have read the previous chapters, can sometimes cause you to have high blood pressure and anger management issues.

Especially if your brother, or sister (Yes, it works for sisters too) is exactly like my brother.


But like every siblings. We have our good times too.
And when it happens, we're indestructible.

There's one story and it happened about four or five years ago.
Probably five, but I'm not really sure.

At that time, we're having Christmas and new year holidays in grandma's home.
It's not only us. My mom came from a big family. Grandma has eleven children and almost all of her children are coming for holidays that year.
That means almost all of my cousins are coming too.

Thank God grandma's house is enough.

And that means only a tiny space for privacy and sleep too. But none of us mind about it.
It's not everyday that you meet the big family.

From all of the cousins we have, there's one boy who's cocky too much. He's a year younger than AB.
His parents are rich yes. But uncle and his wife are so kind to us.
I don't know why they are gifted with an arrogant son like him.

Let's call him CC, shall we?

a.k.a Cocky Cousin.

So one day, all of the adults except my grandma were going to buy groceries.
Yes, all of them.
Remember, it's a lot of us. So one or two people doing groceries won't do.

The grandchildren stayed home and helped grandma with cleaning.
When all of grandma's grandchildren were busy with the house and big yard, CC was still asleep.

Being the kindest person on earth, AB offered himself to wake him up.
I remembered grandma responded to it happily while me and my other cousins didn’t.
We knew exactly how my brother is.

Our suspicion was proved a minute later.
AB and CC were running from the second floor. CC was chasing my brother with a baseball bat.
He looked furious.

Being teenagers, none of us stood up to defend my brother. In fact, we were laughing at AB for running with panic across his face and at CC for only using pyjama pants.

Later, we came to know that AB woke CC up with the cruelest way he could imagine.
CC was sleeping at the wooden long chair when my brother creatively picked one side of the chair, made CC rolled to the ground and hit his elbow hard.

*sighs* That's my lovely brother.

I didn't like what he did and of course I was on CC's side at the moment.

But it was obvious that CC felt his revenge wasn’t done yet.

And he poured it on me.
Yeah, ME!!!!

He couldn't get my brother so I was the one to be victimized. The reason was simple. I'm AB's sister.

Well done!!!!

Please, note my sarcasm!

You know what he did?
He pushed me to a pond of catfish.
Grandma had two ponds of it behind her house. She purposely grew them and she would sell them later.

I cried walking back home.
First, because I was really mad and second, because I swear I smelled so bad at the moment.

God, that damn cousin!!!

My brother knew about it.
And suddenly the hero side of him came out.

We both made a prank for CC.
My brother, with my other cousin went to a market and took home a few bad eggs and a plastic bag of flour.

I didn't have to tell you what happened, right?
You know what would happen next.

The point is my brother and I worked very well at that time.

We, and our cousins who helped us, got punishment.
It is worst to have a duty during holiday but that's worth it.

Because for three days, even after finishing three bottles of shampoos.
CC still smelled like bad egg.

I'm sorry cousin. started it. 😝


Finally an update after almost two weeks having writer's block.

Don't forget to vote and comment!!!!

Love ya,

Love ya,28/01/2018

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