Me and Vehicles

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I have a serious problem with riding vehicles

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I have a serious problem with riding vehicles.

I can't ride car or a motorcycle.
None of them have a good relationship with me.
That's why I prefer to be the passenger only. Or the safer way, I prefer public transportation.

It wasn't because I haven't tried to ride them. I have and I failed. That's why I don't want to learn how to ride vehicles again.

Bad experiences?

Yes. And all thanks to my brother.

One year ago, when I was seventeen, my brother decided it was my time to learn how to bring a car by myself.
In my country, when you're seventeen, you'll be counted as an adult. You can have your identity card and driving license.

I always wanted to ride my own and mom told me to take driving course.
But my genius brother said we do not need to spend money on a course. He is going to be my instructor.

Gosh, even remembering about it makes me shiver!

And that's it. I learned how to drive with AB.
We took Saturday and Sunday since we're free from school and college.

Mom gave us permission to bring her car and we decided to use the road which has less  commuters.
It's important. Since that day was my first time behind the wheel, I had to make sure there would be no victim.

My brother acted like a professional instructor. He told me the basic and the function of each part of the car.
I swore I was impressed by his knowledge.

When it's my time to run the car. I could feel anxiety took over my body. My palm were sweating and my heart beat faster.

For a moment, I forgot which one was the gas and which one the break.
I even almost bumped the motorcycle rider beside me.

I made a nervous grin to my brother who had already widened his eyes in panic.
Maybe he was worried that he wouldn't arrive home safely this evening.

But he didn't cancel his will to teach me. So we continued the lesson.

I passed the test when the road was straight only. That was piece of cake!!!
The real challenge was when I have to turn or taking the U-turn.
It was hard to calculate how much I had to turn the wheel before returning it to normal position again.

For a few times, I almost bumped to the sidewalk.

See? That's why we chose a place away from the other humans.

My almost-accidents made my brother begin to lose his patience and he started saying the instructions with loud noises.
I didn't like it. In my brain, loud voices meant that person was angry at me and it ruined my concentration.

As result, I didn't realize I pressed the gas deeper and I was too numb to step on the break.
My brother had yelled at me to stop. I swore his shouts didn't help me at all. I panicked and I already imagined the ending for us in the hospital.

Thank goodness, my brother still had a bite of insanity inside him.
Instinctively, he bowed down. AB moved my foot from the gas and he quickly pressed the break.

The sudden movement made the car stopped abruptly and I almost hit my head on the wheel.

My brother took over the car after that.
He didn't say a thing to mom. He just said that I failed.
And until today, I never tried to ride a car again.

The end?

Of course not.

What about my attempt with motorcycle?
This is a bit embarrassing but I'll tell you anyway.

I forgot when exactly it happened. But I think it's about two or three years ago.
That day, my brother and I decided to have a picnic. Just two of us.

We used his motorcycle and brought some food.
Well, okay, we didn't bring it. We bought it in a supermarket. XD

The place we headed was like a big park.
There were many people there. Especially families who brought their children.
The roads around the area was very smooth too.

That condition made my brother to have an idea to teach me how to ride the motorcycle.
With him behind me as the passenger, I rode the vehicle.

I didn't have problems with it. Actually I was pretty good.

The funny moment is whenever there's another vehicle coming from the front, I'd cancel my turn. Instead, I kept straight.

My brother realized my hesitation to face my fear.
So, as his effort to make me braver, when I was about to cancel another turn, AB leaned forward and grabbed one of the handlebar.
His action surprised me.
To overcome him, I turned the motorcycle to the opposite direction.

It happened so fast and the next thing I knew was AB and I had fallen.
The motorcycle was fine but AB hurt his knee and my elbow was bleeding.


Okay. That's it. I'll just use public transportation.


That's my bad experiences with vehicles.

TheProphet9 gave me great advice to improve my riding skill.
Thank you!!!!
I'll probably try it.
WITHOUT my brother beside me. LoL

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Love ya,

Love ya,21/02/2018

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