I woke up as a Vulcan!

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USS Enterprise; the ship that boldly goes where no man has gone before. Sometimes, we believe that’s fictional and will never ever happen in our entire lives. I, for one, had believed that judgment is illogical to use when in a near-death scenario. I used to be that way. Logic is what keeps us going not just hope or determination.   Sometimes our lives are intertwined.   The most recent generation that knows about Star Trek is the Spock and Captain Kirk one, that generation which started with Star Trek 2009 movie. I believed that someday meeting them would be in another lifetime. And I didn’t just figure that one day my mind would come into their universe.  .  . As a Vulcan.

    “Urgh.  .  .” I couldn’t believe that sleep really hates me. It gave me another slagging nightmare!  Seriously!  I could feel something is different. Not that different like you can stand there and say  ‘It’s sweet to stand here’ all day long.  There were strange machinery sounds that were not usual.  .  . What? Why am I hearing machinery?

    My eyes open.

 “She’s awake.” There are two Vulcans who were above me.

  I blink.

“Good morning, fellow Vulcan.” The lady Vulcan said.

  “I’m .  .  . A Vulcan?” I ask.

The two Vulcans share this odd simoutainous reaction by tilting their heads at the same time.

 “Of course you are!” The first Vulcaan said.

“Nah uh.” I said. “I’m a mother fudging human. “

The two Vulcans step back.

“And this is Star Trek.” I continue, faced upwards from whatever my body had been resting on. “I’m on a New Vulcan colonized Planet, am I right?”

The second Vulcan clears his throat.

 “What is your name?” The second Vulcan asks.

“Courtney .” I said. “Though my friends sometimes calls me Miss Spock; or just logical girl.”

Their eyes were so clear that I could have seen my own reflection—oh cool, I’m an Asian girl with short black hair and perfect skin. Woohoo! I don’t have long hair; that is a pain in the end to comb with a brush. I feel my ears that feel a little soft and tough at the tips. 100% Vulcan is sitting here; so I pinch my skin.

 “Ow. “ I complain.

“How do you know about Spock?” The first Vulcan asks me.

“I.  .  “ I stutter.  “I. .  .Uh.  .  . You won’t believe me.”

“Try us.” The two Vulcans ask me, folding their arms on top of another

“I come from a universe where Spock,James T Kirk, Checkoff, and khan are fictional.” I explain.  “And the USS Enterprise is what inspired NASA to go up into space with an African American woman; oh they asked this African American woman from Star Trek to be the first African American astronaut on a rocket launch.”

“Your name is not Courtney,” The First Vulcan said. “It’s Clenaut.”

I feel my notably arched and up-swept eyebrows.

“I like Clenaut.” I repeat. It sounds really neat.  “Kle-aunt; sounds like Klingon with an aunt added at the end.”

More awkward stares from the Vulcans; which means I’m probably in the first movie! Woohoo; I get to meet James Kirk!

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