Some backstorys are better left as mysteries

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Sometimes when you sleep; memories can return. I didn’t figure that saying would be true. As it turns out that’s exactly what happened; only I discovered how the Vulcan who bore the name ‘Clenaut’ had landed in a Vulcan hospital. She had been onboard a transport ship; returning from somewhere. This is probably the passenger part of this transport ship. She is sitting down; her hands are calmly on a flat, thin device. There are a couple other Vulcans there too.

“Clenaut,” I could hear a name associated to the voice in my head. The name sounded fond, very close but affectionate. This name is Slauk. Oh I see, his name is Slauk. Okay you don’t have to be screaming it in my face! “I didn’t know you applied for Star Fleet.”

 There are four Vulcans in the passenger part; Slauk, Clenaut, T’Phoul, and Devoil.

“Slauk.” Clenaut said, squeezing Slauk’s hand. “I told you days ago.”

“No.” Slauk said, taking his hand away from her grip. “You didn’t mention anything about it.”

 “Secrets, eh?” T’Phoul, a female Vulcan, leans forward as she said that. Her name sounds neutral. “I’ve heard some marriages can fall into shambles by keeping secrets.”

“That’s human marriage.” Clenaut corrects T’Phoul.

The ship turns left, unexpectedly.

“Don’t picture a roller coaster, don’t picture a roller coaster.” Devoil repeats to himself.

I could see that Devoil is trying to keep himself together, but still, telling himself not to picture a roller coaster?  It’s not a good idea to tell yourself that when you do not want to picture a roller coaster. Jason and George had these wild ideas that Vulcan could have a theme park, fair, and zoo like Earth does. A theme park alone cannot survive a Vulcan year while losing grass, vegetation, and its novelty appeal. Not unless there is a dome over it there might not be a chance it can last there. A fair wouldn’t last on Vulcan for long because the metal could be taken bit by bit.

 “Picture a walnught.” Clenaut suggests.

“Picture a wynaught, picture a wynaught, picture a wyanught.” Devoil repeats to himself.

Oh; he misinterpreted what she was saying. He’s telling himself to picture a cute, blue Pokémon

“Clenaut, what’sa Walnught?” Slauk asks.

“I don’t know.” Clenaut said. “But it worked to make him sound reasonable.”

“We have had an unexpected turbulence.” The pilot on the intercom said. “And no; there was not a red laser deterring our attention from the sky.”

The Vulcans share a sigh of relief; okay, this pilot must be human. It’s only logical; because no one says jokes like that with Vulcans onboard and humans are perhaps the most specie defying race in the universe. A human pilot must really enjoy saying jokes that the Vulcans do not understand.

“Slauk, who told you that I was going to the Star Fleet academy?”

“Your father ” Slauk said.

 “Sibouck?”Clenaut said in a surprised voice.

The name sounds like Sib-oc; more like Sbock when it is rushed and not said as slowly. Man, Vulcans  do take honoring their previous historical figures pretty seriously. Not only is there names making fun of the commonality of ‘S’ in Vulcan names, like ‘T’ and ‘p’ in girl name it’s a reasonable guess that Vulcan’s lack in original names. Spock must have grown up with a bunch of Vulcans who had names like his.

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