Prime Spock, I'm falling for a Russian Navigator.

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What’s the first thing you think of when waking up from falling down and getting knocked out?  It’s a ‘what would you do?’ question. For me; waking up from being knocked out is different.  Not does everything look like the entire room is spinning.  It’s frankly blurry. The back of my head hurts. I can hear other people.


I recognize Spock’s voice!

“Let me guess  .  .” Oh that’s Kirk’s voice! “She’s a friend of yours.”

I blink. 

“She was part of the medical team on the enterprise,” Prime Spock said, as though he was relieving being aboard the ship. A Trekkie like me would get their hearts broken listening to an elderly Prime Spock.  .   . Like right now.  “She was always interested in wounds; not once did I see her display emotion---except for one time when the Enterprise was being attacked, heavily.”

 Like her mother  .   .   . Clenaut was gonna be part of the medical team. Her life was cut short for me. It feels awful to live with the knowledge that a Vulcan had to die for my wish; how can I ever take this wish back?

“Hey Scotty, got some snow in this building?”

“Yes why?”

“Get me it.”

And then the next thing I know (with my blurry vision) something wet hits my face. The blurriness and dizzy sight went away to be replaced by normal eyesight. The back of my head still hurts; which means I shouldn’t sleep for a while. Why don’t I heal myself? Most Trekkies are humans, and necessarily, it cannot work. So you know; it’s hard to believe I can do it now. Ellen tried it once when she had a bike accident; nope, it did not work.

“Worst landing kiss ever.” I push myself up, and get out the pod.

“Why did Spock send you off?” Kirk asks,

“He didn’t; I did it myself; because .  .  .” I look to Prime Spock.  “Um  .  . . Hi; It’s an honor to meet you; Mr.Spock.”

Prime Spock looks at me, strangely.

“We haven’t met yet.” Prime Spock said.

“You are an iconic figure in my version of Earth, and so is your Kirk.” I explain to him “I’m not a time-traveler. I’m an average Trekkie who’s in a dead vulcan’s body—technicaly she’s dead; sort of.”

Kirk and Scott are surprise.

“What are you?” Kirk asks.

“Human.” I said.

“You cannot possess a dead body as a human!” Scotty said. “You must be an alien or a ghost.”

“It’s not really logical.” I said. “And I wasn’t actually expecting to wake up as a Vulcan. Kirk; just ask Star Fleet what they would do if they find out where I am.”

 I refused to return aboard The Enterprise with Scotty and Kirk. I put on a ‘scanner-swamp-life-detector’ ring on my finger. Logically Spock might be having a conversation with Starfleet right at the moment and they could be scanning Delta Vega for me. This ring can make me seem as though it’s only Kirk, Scotty, Scotty’s alien friend, an unnamed Vulcan, and Delta Vega’s inhabitants were there. So Scotty and Kirk were beamed to the enterprise. 

“There has to be reasons why you don’t want go back.” Prime Spock said.

“Like Kirk told you earlier, his Spock is acting captain, and in movie 2 he files  the report about the frozen volcano thing when he wasn’t supposed to do that,because they were only there to observe not interfere.”

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