Off to destroy the Borgs (Wow that escalated fast)

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Checkov was sixteen when we first met.  He proved to me that it’s possible to be beamed up when standing below an enterprise like ship. One of the students pointed out that I’ve been writing my ‘Vulcan’ name as a normal, typical human name. Was there any difference? Of course there is! Vulcans do not have a last name. I’ve been writing my name mostly as Courtney Winters.   .    .

   “Why does a Vulcan write a name that sounds way too human?”

 “Perhaps.  .  .  to mess with your logic, Instructor Whedon.”

  Whedon sent me a quick, dirty look.   

Mr.Joules name is Mr.Whedon H. Joules.

 Mind you that this is transporting class; not the same day that I met Chekov. Chekov is a real child prodigy and he might as well graduate before me. He is the luckiest Russian in the entire galaxy who has a big fan base and lots of YouTube videos; there’s a ten minute long long clip of Chekov’s line ‘I can do zat!” That scene is 17 seconds long in Star Trek—The 2009 reboot—just like his age in the movie!

 “At least it is better than Courtney Taylor.”

 “But why do you write your name as Courtney Winters instead of Clenaut?”

“I do not see the logic in slipping your real name to an enemy.”

 Mr.Joules’s face is getting red.

“But this is the academy, Miss Clenaut!”

 I shrug.

“It’s great practice to use a fake alias in the academy.”  I tell him, with a hand on my chin while wiggling eyebrows at him.

 “You sound Scottish.” Mr.Joules said the complete obvious.

“Instructor, she’s been that way for days.” A student, who I knew was Joseph Lemur like Zomboomafoo kind of lemur. Joseph has this cute, small rounded ears and his hair is black and white. No, it is really black ‘n white like Zomboomafo!  With the spots style ‘n all. “And I don’t know if Vulcan has a Scotland.”

  Chekov isn’t here today because he is sick.

“There is no Scotland on Vulcan.” Another student, who’s Sarah Dean (An actual normal name, phew), adds.

 “Isn’t that obvious?” I said, not in the most innocent and unprotected kind of way.

  Oh boy; that’s when he decided to do something very   .   .    . I really must not put emphasizes on this because it is very unthinkable. Mr.Joules assigned me on a transporting mission that lasts for one week. Isn’t that a bit much for wanting a Vulcan to write their name? He wanted me to write my Vulcan name instead of my human name: It didn’t make sense with the whole fake alias name  .   .    .  I cannot really blame him for that.

   It’s only logical to give paperwork instead of assignments.

 Looks like he just defied logical procedures.

  __________________                                             ________________

   .     .    . Three days later.    .   .

   Chekov is a child prodigy, and of course lots of Trekkies know this. If a trekkie like me had to choose who to be partnered up in a  Transportation assignment then all dibs would be on Chekov. Unfortunately Mr.Joules didn’t allow me to have a partner for this. This  week-long assignment involves some ‘tinkering’.  Tinkering is perhaps a disguise over ‘testing’.  It’s not that shady because all I have to be do  is  test a few new transportation tech out.

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