Lying through your teeth part 2

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The Watch out Brothers made specific plans to get into the Enterprise and, without making it seem a red alert, get rid of the infestation at the bridge. The hanger is huge and wide spread out it is crafted for such a ship to be in repair. The trouble is to get the Enterprise OUT of there with minimal repairs to the flight parts.

 “So what’s going to be our cover,Brother?” The scene shows us a scene transition to earlier that day.

 “Doing major repairs in outerspace.”

 Bones is there at the hanger apparently bugged about the abnormality at the top.

“Is that new?” Bones asks one o the repair workers.

“No.”  The Repair worker said.

 “I didn’t see that on there when we first flew towards the Enterprise,” Bones said. “This chunky- oversized DVR machine has been bothering me  why it’s there.”

The repair worker shrugs.

 “You don’t need to worrie about it.” The Repair worker said.

“How do we get in without them getting aware?”

There is map of the Enterprise on the table in blue background and outlined in white on the table.

“Dress up as workers, and turn your emotion chip off for Pete’s sake.”

Bones does not believe what he had been told. First; Five days ago Clenaut had come aboard the Enterprise during Nero’s vengeance, second; Borgs were recently put up as dangerous and hostile creatures no one has ever encountered, and third; Star Fleet has an eye out for Clenaut. All the facts were unbelievable to him.  Kirk didn’t bother investigating what cooped up Bones’s attention as Star Fleet was keeping a close eye on him.

“A bunch of bullcrap.” Bones mutters.

The Watch out Brothers comes through the huge doors.

“Got the Insectins, Brother?” Wallston asks, with a clear indication of worry in his voice.

Helug sighs to himself, and rubbed his forehead.

“I told you once, and I can tell you twice.” Helug pats his bag. “They are inside in recharge mode.”

One of the repair workers came to the brothers a little ensure why they are in the first place and second of all they resembled construction inspectors. Not that a construction inspector were a problem but they were not one of the best people to be around when doing what they came to do. Most repair workers dread construction inspectors coming in the middle of their job. If there was a problem with some part repaired section on the ship then the construction inspector will order them to redo it.  

“Come on, dues,” The odd repair worker said. “it’s not construction inspection tiem.”

The brothers kept back a fit of laughter.

 “W’re here to do some repairs to le .  .  .” Wallston waves his left servo. “Flight motors.”

 The odd Repair worker is surprised.

 “Whiet are uou talking about?”  The odd repair worker is a n alien with hair decorated in several multicolored beads. His eyebrows are thinner than Wallstons’s eyebrows,  He did look strange to be an alien from some other planet who did indeed still bare a humanoid resemblance. His voice sounded odd and intruded in word pronunciation. His big dark eyes reminded the brothers of marbles.

“We’ve yave been asked to do some repairs in space,” Helug begins unzipping the bag. He is doing a fake impression of an inspector; wearing a hat and suit.  “Wity some feisth, small spider macyines that know yow to run a syip wyile we do tye repairs.”

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