There is insufficent information that she may have died

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Before I came into this Star Trek Universe; in the morning, where it was being in my well known reality my time was pretty average for a trekkie.  That morning I had all my Trekkie friends finish reenacting the 12th movie. We had been reenacting all eleven movies in the span of a week in time for the premier of Star Trek: into Darkness. Watching that movie was fantastic; I believe J.J. Abrams did a wonderful job flipping the mirror in Kirk being the one who sacrificed himself to save the enterprise and Spock being the one behind the door; alive.

  It was quite right to the tea when Spock screamed Khan’s name. 

 Well; I watched the movie a day after we finished the reenacting.

   “Hey, Miss Spock.” Elle Venhelen, a childhood friend of mine, waves her hand in front of my view.  She’s a fan of the Kirk and Spock generation just like me; she’s seen a few movies and episodes in her time like I have. “Are you day dreaming about the enterprise again?”

 I shook my head.

 “No.” I denied.  “I was daydreaming about being on The Romulen’s planet.”

Ellen dramatically gasps, as the other trekkies are having fun in my backyard pretending to be certain characters.

 “Are you out of your Vulcan mind?”  Ellen asks.

 “Eh.” I said. “Not really—“

 “Hey missy curly hair Spock fan,” Jason Howard, a fan of the Picard generation, calls out to me. “We need someone to fill in this Vulcan role.”

Brenda Lane, a fan of Kirk and Spock’s generation, is busy recording our silly things cosplaying as characters. She is giving thumbs up with a crazed wild face. Sometimes I wonder if she’ll end up in an asylum or sneak into a space shuttle whenever they develop USS Enterprise flight speed. Brenda’s been friends with me for five years; and she’s only fifteen years old.  Jason, on the other hand, is the kind of trekkie who I expect to become an actor. Jason really has the talent: no kidding.

 “Um  .    .   .Oh you just did a Bones quote!” I said to Ellen.

Ellen claps her hands lightly.

 “Congratulations for finally noticing.” Ellen said, as thought she was not amused by this. She’s actually a fan of Bones the medical character.

I get up from the lawn and pick up my black sunglasses; then grab my plastic pair of Vulcan ear tips.

 “Cominnngggg.” I pull up my hair into a pony tail using a scruncy. “Alright boys; who messed up with logic big time?”

Jason did not crack up, as he went on with his really ‘brilliant ‘acting.

“You see; there was this Klingon that unexpectedly shot at the Enterprise, then we fired back, and then it fired back.” Jason explains. “Someone then beamed themselves on board.” He gestures to  Ralf Decroy and George Smith. “Ralf.  .  . He got sick.”


 “He’s got the cold. He can’t play Saelib The Vulcan.”

I frown, lowering my glasses down at the boys.

“What kind of name is Saw-if-dib?” I ask. “That does not sound like a Vulcan name. Clenaut does sound like one that doesn’t sound so hard to say—hey why is Ralf playing a girl? This is not Shakespeare, Jason! Oh my Vulcan, you’ve ultimately lost your mind!”

“Not really.” Jason said.

Ralf’s face goes green and so he rushed inside.

 “Ralf is actually a girl.”

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