SHoot shoot shoot! (Short chapter)

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 Prime Spock didn’t have to say he thought my plan was ridiculous; I could sense it from him. What is my plan? If I told you then it would spoil the surprise. The Borg Problem will be put on the side burn. Mentally the beeping, high pitch Borg sound is annoying me. How dare I get somewhat infected by a Borg! Good thing I made a freezing Borgerization serum that halts anything that’s  Borg related.

I pulled up my sleeve, and then picked up the needle.

“Don’t be afraid of the needle.” I mentally warn myself, while holding it above my forearm.

One  .  .  two  .  . 

I inject the needle into my arm; the stinging, quick pain burned as I kept an eye on the fluid going down and down through the needle until it was gone. Then what does an average person put a needle while rushing upstairs and zipping up their coat? Picture me throwing the needle into a trashcan going through the doorway. I put on a black hat with ear muffs to protect my ears minus a coat because Vulcans can sustain 91°F; Females weight is 110.2 lbs and males are 154.3lbs; jee males weigh fifty pounds more than females! How does a Trekkie like me know this? You should do some research when joining the legendary Star Trek fandom! Also those Vulcan males have a height that is 6’6.

 “Nero is not going to continue what he started.” I said, closing the door behind me.

The huge, gigantic gun is attached to the roof.

If Ellen was here she would have yelled at me and demand what is up with my Vulcan mind while shaking me by my shoulders. My argument against her would be ‘We have to finish off a dude who may do a Khan thing’. Brenda was right about it being mounted there; Ralf,George, and Brenda  had taken the liberty to map out the entire building that Scotty had been stationed at in the reboot Star Trek movie. I am not THAT obsessed into Star Trek to map put all the buildings; that’s just my other Trekkie fans who take it where no man has gone before. I get into the mounted gun’s seat

 “In one  .  .  . “ I put my finger on the trigger. “Two .  .  . “

One of the escape pods is coming towards my direction; and did you know that Vulcans cannot sweat?

“Burn baby,  burn.” I pressed the trigger.


Because of living on a desert planet; Vulcans have evolved an internal cooling system, and, logically they can warm themselves at night when the temperatures are cold. Thus we get what some Trekkies have once said ‘Lizard Spock’ or Vulcan Lizards that means we can easily adapt to our surroundings. The key word ‘easily’ could be argued with. I feel my heated skin burning whatever snow that landed on my face. In proper English: I can feel cooled, warm water from the snow coming down  where it landed.

     One of the escape ships gets hit. The small yet not so large damaged space craft swerves in different directions like an airplane missing a propeller with a knocked out expert pilot. I could feel the Vulcan  side of me determined to keep shooting at it. The Space Craft, in slow motion, spins in a perfect circle as it goes faster towards the snow. I turned my attention away from it to the other romulen escape craft.

  “Next shot,” I pressed the reload button on the screen. “Cockpit.”


  Logically the best shot to take it down is at the cockpit. Is it logical to destroy an enemy’s ship when it’s at the point of no repair? My answer will be: Yes.Why is it logical? They destroyed a beloved planet; and there is no mercy for that. Kirk did show mercy to Nero, but, Vulcans have a different approach.  Just like it comes to criminals who know what is right; when a man comes into prison and they learn what he did to a child, this means he’ll be beaten to death by other inmates. You do not do something so horrible that death will be likely in prison. Criminals know what is right and what is wrong. It’s like the thief’s code, but, Nero went too far with revenge.

 Spock and Kirk thought Nero had died.

I aimed the gun right at the cockpit of the escaping Romulen space craft.  Besides; they are responsible for the death of George Kirk and the near extinction of Vulcans. I will finish him off; one way or the other. A Vulcan’s rage can never ever be compared to a fully grown human. Jungle Aliens could possibly understand this comparison as do Klingon’s; the mean looking and African American humanoids with bumpy foreheads that seem so alien. Jason would argue that they are more exposed to the sun than people in the United States would be, thus, their color pigment is .  .  . You get his point? I’m a Trekkie who does not understand Jason.

  I missed a couple escape ships but my targets went down in freezing-icicle resembling flames. . Unlike certain Romulens (who are angered from their planet’s destruction)  .  .  . Vulcans know when to stop.


Several escapes ships whisk by.  I shot at the gigantic and wide pillar-like wingslike they were paper planes.

By the time the escape ships had departed Delta Vega; I was pretty sure that my target is still alive.

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