Questions, just a lot, frankly.

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Spock came in to the medical bay. He did not see Clenaut in there; he had wanted to meet one of the sole surviving Vulcan who ‘time-traveled’ into the future with a Borg Ship. Spock, in his young Vulcan years, had not known about Borgs. That was until Clenaut and the Borg ship disappeared.  Among the events in this star date; the federation had been taking a closer look at Borgs because of Clenaut. They wouldn’t have known about it if it wasn’t for her telling cadets about them.

“Doctor, where is Clenaut?” Spock asks.

“You said Clenaut had to be sent off the enterprise.” Bones said.

“I didn’t say that!” His voice twinges in emotion. “Who told you that?”

The scene transitions to five minutes ago where Clenaut is getting into a stasis-pod like object. Bones is dealing with the other survivors from the attack, along with some nurse to help the causality’s that are flooding the damaged medical bay. We can see that a knocked out Kirk is in a pod; ready to be launched from the ship in a side by medical pod launcher.

“Chekov;Cheek,” Clenaut taps on his chest lightly, then points to herself. “Me, kiss now.” She grabs Chekov and kisses him on the cheek. She is not wearing lip-stick (And she’s not the lip-stick kind of Trekkie) nor does she make the smooching sound.

Clenaut lets go, and then fell into the pod  which knocked her out.

She knew many things Spock should not get his hands on.

“Send Klenaut to Delta Wega.” Chekov said to the audio operated pod.

“Authorization denied.” The pod said.

Chekov sighs to himself, annoyed by the pod.

“Send Klenaut to  Delta Vega.” Chekov repeats.

“Authorization granted.” The pod said as the pod’s door closed.

    Chekov pushes the pod into rounded tube, and then the door closes behind it.Her pod was ejected first from the Enterprise. Then the next pod that is ejected is Kirks.Clenaut’s pod hits through the atmosphere. A tail of heated flames is cooled down by the planet’s icy,cold atmosphere.  Instead of being engulfed into flames; it’s covered by a big piece of ice that covers the pod. Clenaut’s pod crashes thirteen feet away from a cave. Kirk’s pod goes further away landing at a great distance.

   Now turning back to current time; Spock then tells Bones that he also had Kirk sent of the ship. A trekkie can reasonably guess that what Bones said next is what he would have told Spock in the movie; about racing the horse saying. Spock left to find Chekov so he can answer for sending Clenaut away. Bones picks up the broken sunglasses and puts them away for safe-keeping.

“Chekov.” Spock said, once he found Chekov. “Why did you send Clenaut to Delta Vega?”

  Clenaut has told Chekov what Spock does in Star Trek 2; however, she did not explain what happens after Kirk was demoted and Spock got reassigned. Chekov had told her what Starfleet was planning next time she comes back to earth; Status as a cadet revoked, permanent status on Earth, and learning about the future through her. Mr.Joules had explained to his class how important it was to retrieve her whenever The Borg Ship and Clenaut’s ship was found. And if Spock reported her return; then it’s a bunch of crap ahead.

“Keptian, you follow zee rules, right?”


“I did it because she’s my girlfriend.”

“What does that have to do with anything?”

Chekov goes past Spock, giving him the cold shoulder. Spock did not understand what ‘girlfriend’ related to ‘ejecting her out the enterprise’. Maybe it meant ‘what would you do for a girlfriend?’ which Spock may never know what he meant by that. What is the logic in keeping secrets from your captain?

.  .  . Delta Vega.  .  .

.  .   .   Twenty-three minutes later.  .   .

   Kirk fell into a pile of snow. Play dead, play dead, play dead, Kirk mentally repeats to himself as the beast approaches him. The snow crunches underneath the Snow Gorrila’s large, hairy and tough paws.The Snow Gorilla makes a deep, creepy growl. Wish I didn’t get sent here. He could see it’s far more huge legs and massive intimidation between sizes. Wait for it  .  .  .  Kirk holds his breath. It is only for a minute  . .   . What can possibly go wrong? Running from a monster is one thing; but saving your own life is something huge!

  Kirk’s eyes close as the Snow Gorilla pushes him to the side. The Snow Gorilla snorts, while pawing on Kirks back (He felt a mix of pain and relief, strangely) then rocks him back and forth. His heart races and adrenaline runs through his veins. The cold, moist snow sent chills down Kirk’s skin. His hands, thankfully, were still in gloves. Kirk’s instincts cried to run away before the creature realized he wasn’t dead. Just  a little longer. Kirk had held his breath one time during a swimming expedition that was part of star fleet training (and still is) for all cadets.

 The Snow Gorilla backs off, it grunts and then trudges away from the motionless body.

   Kirk then breathes a sigh of relief.

 “I kn-knew it would work.”  Kirk gasps for breath; as soon as the Snow Gorilla was out of sight. His right hand hits on the snow; while he inhales air. “Logic can take a hike!”

  Kirk gets back on his feet; then continues going aimlessly forward.

 “I’ve ran from a snow gorilla on Delta Vega.”  Kirk adds to his log, while panting with a hand on his knee.

    Kirk’s left hand glove softly beeps like a lighter tone of Marry go-round music. He looks to his glove that has a monitor on the top; which currently shows the energy signature of a pod. What? He couldn’t believe that Spock not only sent him, but someone else off the enterprise. Jee, I wonder who made him mad.

     Kirk follows  the signature to a pod; then he clears the window shield off.

   “Who’s the candidate for today.” Kirk wipes off a little bit more of fog

   He stops, as his eyes get huge similar to Mr.Clark from National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation.

“Why would a pointy eared Vulcan send his own endangered species here?” Kirk asks himself.

Besides, Clenaut and Spock are two of many Vulcans that have survived the endangerment of their species. Including the destruction of their home world. It didn’t make sense to Kirk; as Spock would later say, in his own words: “It’s not logical.”

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