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"I really wanna sleep. Do we need to have a meeting right at this hour?"Kyungsoo whined and Minseok rolled his eyes, slapping the back of his head before speaking, "It's 2 in the evening, wake the fuck up"

Kyungsoo give him a sheepish smile before resting back on his chair. It has been a few days since the Mayor has been arrested. He was put behind bars and was forced to pay for the damage done in our office. Jongdae went for a rest because of his broken wrist, making Junmyeon in charge for searching a temporary replacement for Jongdae while he rests. Minseok was yawning on his seat, looking on his watch once in a while. Sehun and Baekhyun were talking about dogs which is a rare sight to see while Chanyeol is on his phone, as usual. The door of the office opened and we all put our gaze at the door. Junmyeon walked in with a girl trailing behind him

"I told you it was a girl!"Kyungsoo said to Baekhyun and he scoffed before rolling his eyes. Thankfully, both me and Kyungsoo put a few extra chair in this room for the two of them to seat at. Sehun stands up and give them both each a chair. "Is this the girl who'll replace Jongdae for a while?"Minseok asked and Junmyeon nodded. We all give her a smile and she bow down slightly before introducing herself. "I'm Irene, nice to meet you all. I hope we can work well!"She said with a big smile on her face making Junmyeon rolled his eyes

"Random question, but do you like dad jokes?"I asked suddenly and her eyes lit up before nodding. "I love them, they're really funny"She said, laughing slightly and i give her a high five, pushing my chair beside her. "You're gonna work well with us, Irene-sshi! Junmyeon really love those. You should atleast tell him a joke once every twenty minutes"I said and she nod, smiling at me. "Deal. I'll deffinitely do that"

Junmyeon glared at me and i stuck my tounge out at him. He rolled his eyes before talking towards Minseok. "I was thinking,"He said and Irene looked at him with a huge smile on her face, "That's why i smell something burning!"She said and Junmyeon let out a loud sigh, covering his face with one of his hands before mumbling, "I don't think i'll last one second with her and Jongdae in one room"

I laugh along with her and he ignored us before continuing with his words. "I was thinking if we can get a one day break" Minseok looked at him for a while before asking, "Why?"

"I literally had to deal with Jongdae for the past months! Don't you know how hard it is not to punch him in the face? Really glad that he broke his wrist though"Minseok rolled his eyes before noding, "I'll ask the head chief later"He said. "What's your specialty, Irene-sshi?"Minseok asked

"Forensic chemistry"She answered and he nod. "I'll look forward to working with you. Ah, by the way, i'm Minseok. The leader of this group"He said and he looked at us, giving us a look. Kyungsoo pull my chair back before introducing himself. "I'm Do Kyungsoo. I really hope we can work well!"He said with a smile

"I'm Seo Nayeon. I really hope we can work well together!"

"I'm Byun Baekhyun, nice to meet you"

"Oh Sehun, i hope we can work well"


We all looked at him and he looked back at us with his usual cold gaze. "That's all you're going to say?"Junmyeon asked and he nod. "Is there anything i need to say?"He asked and Minseok rolled his eyes before introducing Chanyeol himself. "He's Park Chanyeol, you can say he's a bit of an asshole with a hint of jerkness. Other than that, he's a great guy"Chanyeol rolled his eyes before ignoring the rest of us again. We all talk to each other as usual before walking out of the room to visit Jongdae

We walked inside of his room to see him eating dried squid while resting comfortably on the bed. He looked at us surprised with a dried squid hanging from the corner of his mouth. "Jongdae-ah!"Kyungsoo and Minseok greeted him. "Nice to see you guys finally remembering me"He huffed and i laugh at him before eyeing the splint wrapped around his arm. "Does it hurt?"I asked and he nod, taking a bite of the dried squid

"I can't even move my wrist"He pout and i nod at him. "Oh"I said making him roll his eyes at me, chewing on the dried squid. "By the way, this is Irene. She'll replace you for hopefully, forever"Junmyeon said and Irene smiled at him before bowing slightly. "Let's drop the formalities! I'm Jongdae, hope we can work together on annoying Junmyeon. Nayeon is already helping me with annoying him but another one won't hurt"He said giving her a bright smile. "Of course, i'll try my best help you from now"Irene said

We all took a seat around his bed while sometimes stealing the dried squid from his arms and eventually finishing it making him whine loudly. Minseok shut him up by giving him a banana milk he brought with him earlier. He stops whining and continue his talk with Irene and Kyungsoo. Minseok and Junmyeon were currently talking to each other about a newly release gun, Chanyeol were on the couch with his head tilted back and eyes closed while both me and Sehun were currently dueling on a game on our phone

"Did you use the normal one instead of the fast one?"I asked once i saw him calmly playing the game on his phone, while me, on the other hand is clearly struggling to not miss a note of the game. "What? No i'm clearly struggling here"He said, faking a scoff and taking is phone away, making sure i don't see the screen. I missed a note and let out a groan before disturbing Sehun, making him hit the while tiles. "Nayeon-ah!"He whined and i stuck my tounge out on him

"Fine, another match"He said, starting a new game and i did the same. The door of the room opened aburptly and we ignore it, tapping on our screen with full of determination

"A dead body has been found on a garbage dump"

We both each missed a note, snapping our head towards the door with wide eyes before looking back on our phone, a gasp both leaving our mouth

"I fucking missed a note!"

"I was so close to beating my daily highscore!"


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