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"We're interogating Dongwoo after this"Minseok announced once we all gathered in the table at the cafeteria. We all nod at him and continued to eat our own food. Baekhyun and Kyungsoo, as usual was talking to each other about random stuff. Minseok was currently playing on his phone with an empty plate infront of him while Sehun and Chanyeol was looking down at their phone silently

Yixing and Jongin had just arrived a few minutes ago along with Jongdae, Junmyeon and Irene. They were eating their food while i was sipping on my chocolate milk. Our table was filled by laughter and talks

"Let's go. Dongwoo has arrived"Minseok announced, locking his phone. We all stand up from our table and bid our goodbyes to the five of them. We wait infront of the elevator and Chanyeol wrapped his arms around my shoulder

A few minutes later, we finally arrived at the introgation room where Dongwoo was placed. "Good morning Dongwoo-sshi!"Kyungsoo greeted with a bright smile on his face. "Good morning,"Minseok said, sitting infront of him

Dongwoo paid no attention towards the two of them and let out a scoff. "How was your sleep?"Minseok asked and the guy rolled his eyes. "Ah, anyways. Let's it's nice to meet you. I'm Kim Minseok and i'll be the one interrogating you today"Minseok added

"Did you enjoy the party last night?"Minseok started and he nod. "I did too! Minhyuk had a good taste of beer"Baekhyun said making Minseok glare at him. "You drink last night?"Minseok hissed. "It's only a sip"Baekhyun muttered, rolling his eyes

"Liar he drink one whole cup"Kyungsoo muttered beside me and i chuckled. "Did you know Kang Minhyuk before?"Minseok asked and he tensed up slightly before nodding. "Ah, so you two were quite close, i believe?"Minseok said and he nod once again

"But why would you do such things, Dongwoo-sshi?"

He clenched his jaw and looked away from Minseok. "Dongwoo-sshi?"Minseok asked, looking at him. "He doesn't deserve the life he's living"Dongwoo mumbled angrily

"Huh? Why not?"Sehun asked, looking up from the laptop he was typing at before. "Our family was business partners"He started and Minseok adjusted his position back on his chair

"We were doing fine, helping each other and all. It was until our family business went down the drain just after his family business gain recognition"He said. "We asked them for help to keep our business going but they doesn't even lay their eyes on us"He continued

"They cut all kinds of comunication from us and we went broke"He said, clenching his fist. "It was the only thing i had in my mind everyday. To kill his precious son and take revenge for my dad"He said and Minseok let out a sigh

"What a harsh world we live in, huh?"Minseok muttered. "That's it for today. Thank you, Dongwoo-sshi"Minseok said, standing up from his seat. We all left the room and the guard immediately came inside the room to take him out

"That was the shortest interview i've witnessed in my whole life"Sehun said, stretching his arm out. "No one ask"Baekhyun said rolling his eyes. Sehun flick his forehead. "Ah!"Baekhyun yell, holding his forehead. He flick Sehun's forehead and the two ended up flicking each others forehead

I shook my head at them and we all went inside the elevator. "You can go back to your dorm and pack your bags. The chief gave us 3 days holiday"Minseok said

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