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a few days ago


"Tonight, we'll be there"I said through the phone. I look around my surroundings and put my hand inside my pocket. "Get the new warehouse ready"He said and with that, the call was cut off. I move away from the wall before walking inside the old, worn out house

"Are the new identities ready?"I asked and he nod, showing me the papers. "Pack up, we're leaving"I said, grabbing my backpack and placing my clothes inside. I look down at my watch and saw that it was nearing to twelve am. I put on my black hoodie and grab a duffle bag, stashing the guns inside

"I'll be at the car"He said and i nod, zipping up the bag. I grab my phone and put on my hat. I grab another bag and put clean clothes inside before slinging my own backpack and grabbing the two duffle bags towards the car parked outside

I throw the bags inside the trunk and walk inside the passanger seat. He immediately starts the car and we both drove away from the old, junk house. My phone ringed and i looked at the caller id before answering. "Are you out?"I asked. "I just left. I'll text you when i met him"He said and i nod, hanging up the phone

Hours later, we finally arrived at the tall building. I lean forward and look up to see the CCTV light was blinking. I move back and look at the gate to see the two guards sleeping. A small smirk went up to my lips and i glance beside me. "I'm going now"I said, walking out of the door, making sure i didn't get caught by the CCTV

I quietly move towards the office outside and look around before spotting a neatly folded uniform on top of the table. I quietly grab it before leaving the room. I quickly change into the police uniform and tie up the heavy boots. I put on the cap over my head and place my clothes on the ground, making sure it was covered enough

I walk towards the gate and nod my head at the sleepy police officer. He wave me off lazily before opening the door for me. I walked inside and look around. I lowered down the hat and nod at the police officer walking pass me. My eyes landed on the keys around one of the guard's waist and i look around. I grab the half empty cup of coffee at the table nearby before walking towards him

I bumped towards him and spill the coffee on his uniform. "Oh my god, i'm so sorry"I said, grabbing tissue near me and started to pat his uniform. He waved me off and i pretend to ignore it. "It's okay, it's okay"He said, my fingers finally grab ahold of the keys before taking it. I move away from him and bow down infront of him, "I'm sorry"I said and he wave me off. He sigh and started to dry the stain. I look at the key on my hand as i walk towards the cell. "What are you doing?"The guard infront of the door asked. I look around before shaking my head. "Nothing i'm just-"I stop mid sentence and land a punch across his jaw, knocking him out

I quickly walk inside the cells and rush towards them. I unlock their doors and let them out. "This way"I said quietly, leading the two out. I glance at my side before lowering my head

"Yah! Let me out too!"

"Let me out!"


"Get me out of here!"

I cursed before signaling the two to run. We rushed out of the back door and with that, the alarm blared loudly. "Go inside the van"I said and with that, i walk towards where my clothes was. I quickly took the outfit off and slip my clothes on. I bent down and look at the van as they drove away. The police came out a few minutes later and a smirk went up to my lips


the next day

My phone ringed on my pocket and i look at the caller ID. I quickly answer the call and bring it close towards my ear, lowering the volume of the TV infront of me. "I sent you the picture, make sure to leave a wound on one of them"He said, and with that, the call ended. I look at my messages and saw 6 person. I studied their faces and i grab the knife at the table infront of me

It was nearly 12 am and i quickly grab my jacket. I left the house and made my way towards the headquarters. I blend in with the crowd and keep my head down. Once i saw the headquarter at the corner of my eyes, i lean my body towards a nearby wall. I scan my surroundings before my gaze fell on their faces

Seo Nayeon and Oh Sehun

I put my head down and let them walk past me. I tail behind them and made sure to blend in with the crowd. I put my gaze on the his back and he turned around a few times. A smirk went up to my lips and i tighten my grip on the knife

They walked inside the store and i stopped outside for a while before walking inside. I walk towards them and look at the food infront of me

"Should we buy rice or ramen?"

They put a few ramens inside the basket before leaving the aisle. I look up and saw them at the coffee machine not that far from where i'm standing. They were talking to each other for a while before moving away

They walk towards the dairy aisle and i walk towards them. I stand right infront of them, looking at the snacks infront of my. I randomly grab a chocolate bar before moving my gaze away. "Let's go"He said, before walking towards the cashier. I slowly looked up and saw the two of them paying their groceries. I wait for the two to leave before walking towards the cashier to pay for the chocolate bar

I quickly left the store and walk ahead of them. I passed by the two and kept walking for a while before turning around, taking the knife out. I walk towards them and purposely bump towards him as the knife went inside this stomatch

I quickly pull the knife out before slipping off at the end of the street, blending in with the crowd. I walk towards an alleyway and let out a breath, looking at the bloodied knife on hand as blood drop down from it. I took my phone out and quickly dial him. He pick it up a few moments later and stayed silent, "I got him"I said and with that, the phone call ended

I chuckle as i look down at the knife on my hand before mumbling to myself, "You must be crazy, Mark"


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