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"Uh, that person doesn't look that good?"Baekhyun spoke up, looking at the corpse laying on the metal table making Irene rolled her eyes at him. "Duh, his face is literally melted. Thank god we're able to tell it's a guy"Irene said, surgical mask cover almost half of her face while Junmyeon were concentrating on his work

"All of you, get out"Junmyeon said without any emotion laced on his voice. We all quickly pile up outside and look at them working on their job through the glass wall. We left Jongdae's room a few minutes after the girl told us about the dead person. She gave us a thick file about the case we're gonna work on before leaving the room, us following her soon after

"Why is this case passed down to us again?"Sehun muttered, looking away from the dead body behind the glass wall. "It's a complicated case, that's why"Minseok sigh flipping through the pages. I saw a few pictures of the missing person and Minseok slam the file shut. "Mind explaining to us about the case?"Kyungsoo asked, giving him a smile. Minseok looked at him and rolled his eyes

"You all know about the last 4 missing person. It turns out that they were linked to this drug dealer that is all over the world. He started in Australia and spread through out Asia and Europe"He said. He points to the corpse again before speaking, "He was one of the victim. We don't know why he's dead yet or how long he has been dead. We'll know the results later"

"How can they be so sure it's from a drug dealer?"Baekhyun asked, letting out a sigh and resting his back against the wall. "We don't know for sure yet,"Minseok said. "But they were all kidnapped on different times and at the same spot, near the abandoned factory"He explained. I focus my gaze back on the corpse and saw Irene opening the man's stomatch open, making blood squirt out towards the lab coat. She pays no attention to the blood and dig her hands inside of the man's stomatch, before pulling something out. I widen my eyes and took a step closer. Four medium sized plastic bags were stuffed inside of his stomatch, blood smearing across the plastic bags

"I think it is, indeed a drug dealer"I said, making them stop talking to each other and follow my gaze. She opened the four bags, and use a tongs to search through the bag. She pulled out a piece of paper and doing the same with the rest. She turn towards Junmyeon with a happy face before giving him a big smile

"Guess we have a lead now"


"Okay! So, i did some research and the four bags are actually filled with different kinds of drugs. I also found this piece of paper inside of each bags,"She said showing us a piece of paper with "YIT Production" printed on it. Sehun type away on his computer before speaking up, "It stands for Yoo In-Tak. It's probably the owner's name"

"Anything else?"Minseok asked and Irene shook her head happily. "None! It's all done"She said before sitting back down on her seat. Junmyeon lean in from his chair and open his notebook. "The man was on his late twenties, possible time of death is around 7pm last night due to the infection on the stitches"He said, flipping through the pages before speaking up again, "His face was burned after his death to possibly hide his identity, i think? But i found some oil left on his body. They clean him up after burning his face, that's for sure"

I cringe slightly and shook my head at the death of the poor man. "Now that you know about the basic information. We're gonna go now"Junmyeon said standing up from his chair and leaving the room with Irene trailing behind him. The room was quiet and Minseok let out a sigh before speaking, "Sehun-ah, find out where the YIT Production is. See if you can hack into their cameras, maybe the rest of the three missing people are there"

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