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one month later


"Ah, finally. I was so bored that i started to punch the air when i'm sleeping"Baekhyun said, wiping the sweat off from his forehead using the tissue he took earlier. We just had finished our trainings a few minutes ago and was told immediately to went straight towards the meeting room. "What's the case?"Sehun asked, slightly unzipping his black tracksuit and fanning himself

"Someone hired us to protect a guy"

"Oh? So why do you need all 5 of us gathered here? Isn't this an individual job?"Kyungsoo asked, zipping up his jacket towards his chin and slumping back down on his chair. "It is if the mission doesn't involve killings tonight"Minseok said and i rise one of my eyebrow

"I was told from the chief that the target will be at a lake house party tonight. It is possible that the killer will be there"Minseok continued and Baekhyun nod. "Is this the guy?"Chanyeol asked, rolling up his sleeve and taking the picture out from the file

"Yes, his name is Kang Minhyuk, he's the one hosting the party with a few of his friends. I managed to sneak us in but we still need an undercover to get him away"Minseok said. "The suspected killer is Kim Dongwoo"He added, showing us the picture of another guy. "Any volunteer?"Minseok asked and we all stayed silent. He let out a breath and stretch out his arms

"Nayeon and Baekhyun will be the undercover then"

"No"Chanyeol spoke up and i looked up at him. "Why not?"Minseok asked. "Yeah why not, Chanyeol-ah?"Baekhyun asked with a challenging tone and Chanyeol glared at him. "I'll do it"Chanyeol said making Minseok rolled his eyes

"Alright, it's settled then. Are you sure you can join this mission Nayeon?"Minseok asked and i nod. "Good. Go grab a more appropriate clothes for tonight all of you"Minseok said, standing up from his seat


"You dressed like a proper girl for once"Baekhyun said and i look down at my outfit. I grinned at him before thanking him quickly. "What a sight to see!"Kyungsoo said walking inside the room with a black t-shirt and rolled up jeans with a white sneakers to finish it off. A jean jacket was hanging off from his arm as he happily walk towards his seat

"Are you that short that you have to roll your jeans?"Sehun sneered. "Not everyone is as tall as you, asshole"Kyungsoo huffed and i chuckled. I walk towards my chair and took a seat, crouching down to tighten my shoelace. Both Minseok and Chanyeol arrived a few minutes later and we finally left towards the lake house

Baekhyun pass each of us an earpiece and i put it on. We finally arrived at the location and music was already blaring from the speaker. "Can we drink tonight though?"Baekhyun asked. "Sure, you might as well quit this job"Sehun muttered from the front seat making Baekhyun let out a scoff. The car stopped and we all walked out of the car. We all grab our own weapons before walking towards the lake house

For once, we were dressed in t-shirts and not thick long sleeved shirt. The water reflect the moon as ripples were made by splashes from people swimming inside the lake. I let out a silent breath before following the rest

We all made our way inside the house and i look around. It was a pretty normal house party without any suspicious people inside. "Split up. Sehun and I will take the first floor. Kyungsoo and Baekhyun will take outside"Minseok ordered, leaving both me and Chanyeol in charge for the second floor. We immediately split up and i look around the second floor

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