epilouge [alternative ending]

128 8 4

a few weeks later


"You look like shit."

"I feel like shit, you don't have to tell me twice."

I chuckled at the two while Jongdae rolled his eyes on her. "Guys, please, behave for once."Minseok sighed, walking from behind. "And you,"Minseok said pointing towards me, and Sehun. "Why is your hair— nevermind. Just— behave."Minseok said and i nod, slinging my arms around her. "Are you feeling better?"I asked and she nod. "My leg and stomach is a bit numb, i'm good though."Nayeon said with a smile on her face. I grinned down at her and walk inside the room with the rest of the team. "Good Morning, have a seat."The chief said. "Where? On the floor?"Baekhyun asked and Minseok slapped the back of his head before forcing him to bow down infront of the chief and saying a quick sorry. The chief chuckled before noding his head. "Anywhere is fine. You can sit on the floor if you want."The chief said, making the whole team plopped down the floor immediately. Minseok let out a sigh before proceeding to sit down at the chair infront of him.

"You did a good job, Team. How are you all? Is everything alright?"The chief asked. "Yes, Sir."We all said and the chief nod. "You guys are now currently the top team on this agency. Since you are all an experienced agents, i will allow you all to work individually from now on."The chief said and i look down at Nayeon, seeing her with her brows furrow. "So, we won't be working as a group now?"Kyungsoo asked. "I will allow you all to work as a group and individually too. The pay will be different, of course."The chief said. "You will decide on your own if you still want to work as a team or individually if i assign you a mission. Just be sure to tell me who you're working with."The chief said. "I swear if one of you don't include me in your mission—"Sehun said but before he could finish his sentence, Junmyeon put his hand around his mouth. "Thank you, Chief."Junmyeon said. "Well, that is all i have to say."The chief said and we all stand up. "Oh, since you've worked hard, i will give you all a two months holiday."The chief said.

"Thank you, Chief. We will work hard!"Minseok said and we all bowed down. Once we all exit his room, we immediately cheered. Agents looked at us wierdly and we all went into a group hug and jump around. "Yah! Yah! Yah! Becareful of Nayeon!"Irene yelled and we all stopped before pulling away. "I'd say we go to a trip to Hawaii!"Jongdae said. "No, Japan. We agreed on this!"Junmyeon whined. "Shut up Junmyeon."Sehun said. "I know! I have a great idea!"Kyungsoo said with a smile. "No, shut up Kyungsoo. The last time we followed you we didn't came for for two days."Minseok snapped. "The GPS doesn't work!"Kyungsoo defend himself.

"Nayeon-ah, where do you wanna go?"I asked and everyone looked at her. "Japan sounds good."She said. "Let's go to Japan!"Sehun said. "Yah! You told me to shut up when i said that!"Junmyeon yelled running after him and i grinned. "I'll book the ticket. You don't have to pay me back. Just bring your own money."Yixing said before leaving towards another direction. She chuckled at them and she looked at me. "Anything wrong?"I asked and she shook her head. "I like your hair, what makes you dyed it blonde?"She asked and i laugh. "I was about to dye it red but i'm not sure if you like that color so i leave it blonde."I said. "Light brown looks good."She shrugged. "You sure? Alright then, let's go."I said dragging her. "Huh?"She asked. "I'm dying my hair light brown"I said and she laugh before noding.

"Alright, let's go!"


one week later.


"Oh my God! Can you believe— Konnichiwa."Kyungsoo said once he saw one of the worker and immediately bowing down. Sehun shoved him out of the group as we proceed to walk towards our baggage claim. "Ah, i can't wait for the beach."Minseok said, stretching out his legs. "Why? You can't wait to tan?"Jongdae asked. "Nope, but i can't wait to drown you."Minseok said, glaring at him.

"See this is why i have your name as Mean Sock."Baekhyun said and Minseok hit the back of his head. "Ah— Yah!"Baekhyun yelled, rubbing the back of his head. A few minutes later, the team walked out of the airport and hailed a taxi before dividing into a group and deciding to meet back at the hotel we're staying at. "I'm hungry, should we just eat lunch and not tell the rest?"Sehun asked. "Yes, great idea."Kyungsoo agreed. "Let's wait for Junmyeon and Yixing, that way they can pay for us."Chanyeol said. "For once you put your mind to work."I said and he let out a breath. "If i said that, he would've slapped me."Baekhyun said. "Are you Nayeon?"Chanyeol asked. "Uh, no?"Baekhyun said. "That's your answer."Chanyeol said and the two started to bicker


"You two stop ignoring us!"Irene whinned as everyone ran around the beach. "I'm sorry, you guys aren't that important to me."Chanyeol joked earning a punch on his shoulder from Irene. We just had our lunch and put our suitcase at our own room. Jongin and Junmyeon ended up paying for us since Yixing left his wallet at his room. Everyone was running around the beach as Sehun, Baekhyun, Kyungsoo and Minseok are trying to push each other towards the ocean. Junmyeon and Jongin were carrying Jongdae and swinging him towards the ocean. Irene and Yixing were building sand castle while both me and Chanyeol are helping Yixing finding some seashells. "Hey,"Chanyeol said and i looked up at him. "I'm glad you're alive."Chanyeol grinned resting his head on my shoulder as he keeps finding shells below him. I smile at him and nod. "I'm glad too,"I said.

"We need the seashells!"Yixing yelled and we both walk towards the two before putting the handful of seashells infront of them. "I'm afraid one of them ended up throwing up."Yixing said, glancing towards the team. "They probably will, i put my bet on either Jongdae or Baekhyun—"

"Yah! Disgusting!"

I looked back and saw Kyungsoo throwing up. I grimanced and Yixing sighed. "Is this what it feels like having immature 20 year olds?"Yixing muttered and we all laugh at him. "Just stay here and build sand castle with us."I say towards Kyungsoo and he nod.

The night came a bit sooner than i thought and we were all getting ready to buy the steet foods at a fair. We all walk down the stairs and went out of the building. "I can't wait to eat takoyaki."Kyungsoo said. "Me too"Baekhyun said, placing his arm on Kyungsoo's shoulder. Sehun came up to both of them and rest his arm on Baekhyun's shoulder. I chuckle at the three and eventually we arrived at the fair. Everyone split up and agreed to meet at one of the table later on. "Oh i want this!"I said pointing towards a mochi stand, dragging Chanyeol with me. I ordered one for the two of us and wait for a while. "Thank you!"I said grabbing the carton and walk towards Chanyeol at the drink station. "You're here, let's go. I found this cool place earlier."He said dragging me and i follow behind him.

Couples, families or even friends filled the dock. We both walked towards an empty seat and sit down, enjoying the night breeze. "This feels better than Seoul."I said and he agreed. "I'm glad we went here."I said. "Should we go here on our honeymood then?"He asked and i laugh, shoving the mochi inside my mouth. "I'm serious"He said. My eyes turned wide as i started to choke on the mochi i was chewing earlier. Chanyeol's laugh was heard as white powder flew out of my mouth. Chanyeol slapped my back lightly, trying to calm me down and gave me a drink. "Seriously?"I asked and he smiled, taking a velvet box out from behind him. "When am i not?"He asked, kneeling infront of me and opening the box. My eyes widen and i looked at him. "Yah, Park Chanyeol."I said, tears brimming infront of my eyes and he grabbed my hand. "Nayeon-ah, marry me?"He asked and tears fell down towards my hand. I nod and pulled him into a hug. "I love you"Chanyeol said, giving a kiss on my forehead. He slipped the ring on my finger and place a kiss on my hand before sitting back beside me.

"Even before i purpose to you, you still manage to make me laugh."Chanyeol said and i hit his shoulder. "I was about to gasp but the mochi flew right in!"I whined and he laugh. "Best story to tell to everyone later."Chanyeol said i rolled my eyes, pushing him away slightly. We continued to walk around the fair and eventually gather on a table with the rest. The night was filled with laughter and smiles. It took the team an hour to realized the ring on my finger before they flilped out. "Wanna know what happened before i purpose to her?"Chanyeol asked and i hit his shoulder lightly. "Yah,"I whinned and the team asked about what happened anyway. For once, i can't ask for a better life than this.


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