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"Jaebum, you lead the rest on the first floor. The rest of the team and i will find her."Minseok said, checking his gun and Jaebum nod in response. "Alright, Minseok take the left. There's a staircase leading towards the second floor."Sehun said and he nod. They separate into two teams and Minseok slowly opened the door inside the building. Stacked boxes immediately greet the team. Chanyeol scanned the room and found a staircase leading upstairs.

"The st—"

"I know, i saw it"Chanyeol said, glancing behind the box to see the other team on stand by across from them. "Daesuk might be upstairs, i tracked his phone and it was in this building somehwere"Sehun said. "There's a lot rooms upstairs,"Sehun huffed and the team nod before proceeding towards the stairs. The rest of the agents are now fighting against Daesuk's man. Yixing let out a breath before proceeding to follow the rest upstairs. "I'll take the left."Baekhyun said before leaving the team with Kyungsoo following behind him. His face were hard, different from his usual playful face. "I'll follow you."Chanyeol said before leaving the three to take the west wing.

"It smells in here"Kyungsoo said, making the two looked at him. "That's what Nayeon would say."He muttered, opening a room infront of him revealing one of Daesuk's man eating a bowl of ramen alone. Both of their eyes widen and before Kyungsoo could move, the man attacked him. Kyungsoo let out a grunt and land a punch on the man. "She's not here."Chanyeol said once he's done checking the room. He grabbed the man by his collar and smash him against the wall, immediately passing out. Kyungsoo's breath was heavy while Chanyeol rolled his eyes at him. "Not here."Baekhyun said, wiping the blood from his face as he walked out from one of the room.

Jongin opened one of the room at the end of the hall and the darkness greeted him. He turned the lights on and deep groans was heard. He sighs as he cracked his knuckles. "Shit."He muttered once he was a dozen on men sleeping inside the room. The first man attacked Jongin and he dodged before a punch could land on his face. Minseok helped him once he saw three man crowding Jongin. He grabbed one of them and land a hit on their stomach.

The three arrived at the east wing and Baekhyun rushed towards the two at the end of the hall as Kyungsoo and Chanyeol checked the doors infront. "She's not there."Yixing said and Chanyeol clenched his fist. "Try the hall, there's a few rooms there."Sehun said. The three went towards the end of the hall as the rest of the three was finishing up the last of their men. "Hyung she's on—"Before Sehun could finish what he's saying, Yixing spoke up.

"She's here."

The rest of the team immediately rushed towards Yixing and rushed infront of her unconsciousb body. Dried blood was all over her limp body along with a fresh wound on her thigh. Before Chanyeol could grabbed her, a gunshot was heard and Daesuk walked inside with Taeyong behind him. "Yixing, i didn't know you worked for them now."Daesuk said, walking inside the room as the team glanced at Yixing. "They treat me better then you did when i was your bodyguard."Yixing said, making Daesuk let out a chuckle. "You teached this girl well, she's a tough girl."Daesuk said, kicking her awake. Chanyeol grited his teeth and Minseok let out a sigh. "Let's put an end to this, let her go."Minseok said and Daesuk let out a chuckle.

"And go to jail? Why would i do that?"He asked. "Better do it now, you'll ended up in jail eventually."Baekhyun spat and Daesuk glared at him. Taeyong walked towards Nayeon after Daesuk told him to. He harshly grabbed her up and a wince left her lips. "Your friend's here, wake up."Daesuk said tapping her face harshly. Her bruised eyes slowly met with the rest of the team. "Call the poli—"Before Nayeon could finish her sentance, Daesuk kicked her on her stomatch, sending her towards the ground again. "Yah Choi Daesuk!"Chanyeol yelled, before he could take a step forward, Yixing held him back. "Wise decision, Lay."Daesuk said with a smirk. Yixing glared at him and quickly took his gun out, the rest of the team following right after as Daesuk's man had also pull out their gun.

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