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Is anyone still reading this? Lmaoo


"I'm hungry"Jongdae whined, standing in line behind me and resting his head on my back. We arrived back to the headquarters this morning and decided to eat breakfast before going back to work. Chanyeol wrapped his arm around my shoulder and pulling me forward slightly making Jongdae stumble. "Yah!"Jongdae said, glaring at Chanyeol. A smirk went up to his lips before flicking Jongdae's forehead

"Park Chanyeol!"

I chuckled at the two before moving forwards in line. I look around before spotting an empty table. I thank the worker before walking towards an empty table. Soon enough, the team were gathered around the table

"Going on a holiday would be nice"Junmyeon said, shrugging his shoulder while slurping his soup. I nod in agreement before saying, "Japan sounds good, let's go there if we have a break" Chanyeol's eyes widen before looking at me. "Japan? You wanna go to Japan?"He asked. "Yes, she did. That sounds good, i'm in"Junmyeon said and a smile formed on Chanyeol's lips. "See this is why i asked you out, we have a similar taste"He said, and i laugh

"I'm in if Junmyeon payed for me"Jongdae said. Junmyeon smiled before looking at Jongdae briefly. "I'll pay for your grave"He said, with a slup following right after. "I'll pay for you Jongdae"Yixing said. "Really?"Jongdae asked with a smile. "Yeah, after i got your own monthly pay. I'll use that to buy the plane ticket"He said. "Shut up, Yixing"Jongdae scoffed

The breakfast went by as usual. Bickerings from Sehun and Baekhyun while the rest were talking among each other. Minutes passed and we finally head back towards our meeting room. I opened the door and it was slightly crowded. Yugyeom and a few other agents were here along with the Chief. "There you are. I've been waiting for you"The chief said and we all bowed down to him before walking inside. "I'm gonna make this quick, let me introduce you to the teams that will be helping you to track down Daesuk and Taeyong. I've divided the works and you all will be in two seperate team"The chief said

"The new ones can be on the other room while you all stay here, report to each other if you found something. Make sure to get enough trainings, you'll need it"The chief said. "That is all, you can all proceed to finding them"He said before leaving the room. "You heard what he said, let's find these two"Baekhyun said, walking towards his chair. I greeted the other team before they leave the room one by one. "Good luck, and you can come down to train if you want"Yixing said. "Good luck, Nayeon-ah"Jongdae and Irene said, waving at me

"You're not gonna say good luck to your hyungs?"Chanyeol asked. "Why would i say good luck to you?"Jongdae asked furrowing his eyebrow before leaving the room, making him roll his eyes. "Let's start"I said. I stretched out my arms before turning in the laptop. It was filled with CCTV across Seoul and i let out a sigh. Before starting to look at the footage infront of me


"I feel like my eyes can actually dry out at this moment"Kyungsoo said, taking his glasses off and rubbing his eyes. I look down at my watch and see that is has been an hour since we started looking at the footage. "Let's just go to training, i'm tired looking at the screens"Sehun said, stretching his body out before standing up

"My knuckles will be so sore today"Baekhyun said, shaking his hands around. "Weak"Sehun muttered under his breath before pushing the elevator button. "I heard that"Baekhyun said and Sehun nod, turning around with a smile on his face before saying, "Good, you were supposed to"Sehun said before walking inside the elevator. "Yah Oh Sehun!"Baekhyun yelled walking inside the elevator, we followed behind before pressing the button inside

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