chapter one

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Authors note: hey so, woo I'm finally rewriting this like 3 years later lmfao. I'm gonna try to improve it and make the chapters longer, and I have a sort of plan for the story so we'll just see how far it goes. I know I'm not the best writer but I'll try lol.

Also, chapter lengths will most likely vary, so let me know how long/short you'd like each one to roughly be. (Most probably won't be as long as this, so don't be put off lmao)

So, whether you're old or new, I hope you enjoy! :)

(If you see any grammatical errors, point them out for me and I'll change them, thanks!)


12 years earlier-

It was raining. Or, at least, that's how he remembered it. The soft, repetitive tapping on the window did little to drown out the yelling from downstairs. He had always hated it when people raised their voices.

It was late, (for a 9 year old, anyway) around 9pm. Sam knew he should be asleep, but he was instead crouched by his door, hand cupped against the wooden surface. The shouting from downstairs only intensified, his parents in yet another argument.

'Yelling is bad for the babies' Sam would state, matter of factly, patting his mothers bulging stomach lightly. She would run her hands through his tangled hair, smiling softly at him with tired eyes. Her eyes were always too tired.

Moonlight filtered in through the window, casting a streak of light through the small room. He clutched his favourite toy (a worn out stuffed dog) close to his chest, willing for the shouting to stop. His wish, to his later dismay, was granted - with the slam of a door and a car engine starting. That was the last he ever heard of his dad.


Present day-

"I'm home!" Sam shouted, carrying multiple bags of shopping in his arms and closing the door with his hip - because who makes two trips to the car and back?

He placed the bags on the grey marble kitchen counter and turned around to find his younger brother and sister, Evan and Grace, running to hug him.

He chuckled and leant over to hug them back, although they were both 12 now and getting taller by the day. Soon they'd be reaching his height...but not for a while, he kept telling himself.

His mum emerged from around the corner, a full washing basket under her arm.
"Thanks for getting the shopping again, Sammy, I've just been so swamped with work lately-"
Sam cut her off.
"Mum, it's fine, honestly, you know I'll happily be your errand boy" he laughed, then ruffled both his siblings hairs. They ran off to do their own thing, while he started to unload the groceries.

"I know.." his mum trailed off "but you're twenty one now, you should be living your own life instead of staying here worrying about me" she sighed and bit her lip, looking down at her feet.

Sam wrapped his arms around her in a hug, placing his chin atop her head.
"I'll always stay and help, you're my mother" he smiled.
"Plus!" He carried on "I'm not a complete hermit, I'm going out with a couple of friends tomorrow"
"Who?" His mum asked curiously, tipping clothes into the washing machine.
"Nathan and Penny"
"Oh, Sam, you know I don't like that Nathan boy. There's, about him" his mum worried.
"I'll be fine" Sam rolled his eyes "like you just stated, I'm twenty one now, I think I can handle myself" he grinned.

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