chapter four

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Authors note:

Tell me if you see any grammar/spelling mistakes and I'll change them, and as always comments/votes are appreciated :)



It had been a few months since Sam had gone to prison, and he had got (sort of) used to the usual schedule. Wake up early, shower, have breakfast, free time, have a phone call (once a week), work, lunch, free time, tea time, then go back to cells before lights out. They also had roll-call three times a day.

Sam worked in the kitchens, with a few other inmates. He had gotten quite close to a blond guy named Jack, who was pretty funny to be around. He had also gotten really close to Noah, which was to be expected seeing as they were spending most the day together (sharing a cell and all).

He had had a couple visits from his mother, today being one of the days he got to see her again - and she was bringing Grace and Evan this time, so Sam was, well, excited.

He awoke surprisingly refreshed, getting out of bed happily. Noah just mumbled something incoherent into his pillow (he always sleeps on his front) before rolling onto his back, arm flopping over the edge of the bed.

"What's got you so cheerful?" He yawned, eyes still shut. He looked like he was about to fall asleep again any minute.
"Family's visiting today" Sam grinned
"Right" Noah said, voice muffled.

Sam eventually got Noah to wake up, then they went to shower and came back to the cell for breakfast. Porridge today.
Noah boiled the kettle and made them both a tea, before sitting down and eating.

He was having his visit at midday, so he hung out with Noah, Ross and Kyle during free time. He was pretty close to Ross and Kyle now, which he was thankful for, and he joined in on their jokes.

When it finally got to midday, he headed down to the visitation room and sat at one of the tables, other inmates and their families occupying the others. He kept a straight face, but inside he was buzzing - he'd finally see his siblings! They annoyed him, sure, but he loved them and had missed them greatly. He had seen his mother a few times, but whenever she visited they'd been at school. But now they had a school break so they could go with her.

He stood up when he saw them, grinning from ear to ear. He saw Grace first - she was wearing a bright yellow coat - so she was, of course, easy to spot. Evan trailed in after her, sporting a grey hoodie and jeans. His mum entered after them both, wearing her usual pink fluffy jumper and cream scarf. Grace and Evan ran towards him and he laughed, hugging them both a little too tightly. He then pulled back and leant down to give his mother a kiss on the cheek.

They all sat down at the table, and his mother was the first to speak.
"So, how've you been?" She asked.
Sam raised an eyebrow "peachy"
Evan snorted and he playfully pushed him.

"Anyway" Sam began "how's work been, mum?"
His mum shuffled in her seat slightly, before looking back up at him, smiling softly.
"It's been fine, I've taken up another job but Grace and Evan are being more independent now, so I don't have to worry about them as much now, do I?" She turned to look at the twins.

They both nodded.
"I made us all pancakes this morning!" Grace grinned "the way you make them, Sam"
Sam smiled.
"Oh yeah? They can't be as good as mine, surely"
"Nah, yours are way better" Evan smirked, looking over at Grace.
She kicked him under the table and he cried out.
Their mum sighed.

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