chapter twelve

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Authors note:

Hey, so we hit 1K reads! Ayyy

Also, this chapter is basically just fluff lmao but I can't write kissing scenes to save my life so like bear with me lol.

Like always, votes and comments are really appreciated and let me know if you see any grammar/spelling mistakes and I'll fix them.



A couple hours passed and one drink turned to two, which turned to three, which turned to four and so on.
They had even started doing shots somewhere along the line.

"Anotha round!" Sam slurred as he slammed yet another shot glass down on the table. He had a sloppy grin etched across his face.

Noah wasn't as drunk, but he was still effected.
"What happened to not being a lightweight, mr 'I've been to so many house parties'?" He raised an eyebrow, smirking.

Sam frowned, pointing an accusing finger at him across the table.
"'M not a lightweight, 'n 'm not drunk"
"Of course you're not, Sammy, of course"

Sam sat back with a smug grin.
"'S good we agree"

Noah raised an eyebrow and chuckled at how Sam had completely missed his sarcasm in his state and decided to just let him have it.

Sam sat forward again, banging a fist against the table lightly.
"Oi I said 'nother round like..." he trailed off, slipping into what appeared to be a deep thought. He snapped back again "two minutes ago!"

Noah watched Sam stumbling over his words, which was really bloody entertaining. He laughed and shook his head.
"Don't you think you've had enough?"

Sam shook his head.
Noah rolled his eyes but finally caved in.
"One more, then we're heading back"

Sam grinned, letting out something that sounded like a 'yay'.


Once Noah finally got Sam to stand up (which was accompanied by a lot of wobbling) the two left the bar. He had an arm around Sam's waist, attempting to hold him up as Sam just clung to his shirt and mumbled song lyrics incoherently.

In hindsight he probably should've stopped Sam while he was ahead. But when Sam was on a roll... he was on a roll, and wouldn't have listened to Noah if he tried. He could be pretty stubborn when he wanted to.

They made it back to the inn (which was only across the road) and Noah gave a quick nod at the receptionist and led the two of them to the stairs. They only had to go up one flight, seeing as the inn was pretty small and only had two floors.

"Alright Sam, come on" he said as he started to walk up, attempting to drag Sam up with him. Sam, however, stayed put and slumped against the banister.
"'M too tired, carry meee" he slurred, closing his eyes for a long time before opening them again.

Noah huffed, stepping back down again. He scooped Sam up bridal style and Sam grinned and wrapped his arms around Noah's neck, leaning his head on his shoulder and closing his green eyes.
Noah would've rolled his own eyes if he didn't find it so cute.

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