chapter five

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Hey y'all new chapter & the lads finally got together!1!1!1

Sorry if their relationship seems a bit rushed, but there has been liked time jumps so they have actually known each other quite a while, and I'm trying to make it seem less forced this time around so woo

As always, votes & comments are appreciated, and let me know if you see any grammar/spelling errors! :)



one month later

Dating Noah Parker wasn't much different to just being friends, really. They still joked around with each other, but a few more hugs and kisses were thrown in (although they hadn't kissed on the mouth yet).

They were dating, right? Yeah.

He could still clearly picture the smug look on Noah's face as he spoke his line - and the twinkle in his eye. Sam had blinked, then blinked again, before getting out an ''

Then, well, they both admitted they liked one another and.....yeah. He didn't know how to explain it any further.

They were both currently on Noah's bunk, Noah with his legs stretched out and Sam lying down with his head on his lap, both of them watching some horror movie (as Noah had suggested) that they had found on the (crap, really) movie channel. Sam wasn't scared, he'd already seen it a few times already - there's a limited selection of good horrors, okay? Noah, on the other hand, seemed freaked, even if he wouldn't admit it.

Sam turned his face to look up at him and Noah looked scared shitless. He laughed quietly to himself and turned to look towards the screen, where a girl covered in fake blood was screaming - scary.

The movie finished a little before it was time for lights out, and so Sam sat up and started climb off Noah's bunk, only for Noah to grab his sleeve.
"Stay with me?"

Sam looked back at him, eyebrow raised. Was he really that freaked out?.
Noah nodded.

"What if some one sees, though?"
Noah shrugged "don't think they'd care"
Sam gave it some thought before shrugging and lying down. Noah grinned.

The bunk was, well, small. Sam lay facing the wall and Noah was pressed up against his back with an arm slung over his side. As if on cue, the lights turned off.
Sam could feel Noah's breath on his ear as he whispered.

"Night, Sam"
Sam closed his eyes, a small smile reaching his face.
"Night, Noah"


They shared a bunk most nights from then on, switching between the two. Although Sam was kind of paranoid someone would pick up on it, he liked it. He sometimes had to push Noah onto his other side when his snoring got too loud, though. Noah would wake up in the morning confused and Sam would just shrug.


It was early morning, and the two of them had both finished their breakfast when Sam announced that he had to work a 'shift' in the kitchens. Noah had to work in the gardens, apparently, which Sam would prefer in all honestly.

"Yeah but you get to fuck with the food" Noah chipped in.
"Why would I want to fuck with the food, Noah, I have to eat it too"
Noah shrugged, standing up from the table and stretching.

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