chapter two

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Authors note: thanks for all the positive feedback on the last chapter, comments are really appreciated! :)

Also, sorry this chapter is quite a bit shorter. Like last chapter, please let me know about any errors and I'll change them.

I'm probably gonna post on Tuesdays and Fridays from now on (if I manage to write enough) so check in on those days!

Anyways, enjoy :)


He ran over all the possible ways he could've avoided this situation:
-listened to his mother
-just said no to Nathan
-left the house instead of chasing that woman
Or, maybe, he could've just stayed in his own home and told Nathan he was sick. God, he wished he had the power to go back in time right about now.

Instead, he was stuck in the back of a cop car while some self-righteous policeman waffled on at him. Ugh.
He nodded and shook his head occasionally, but tried to speak as little as possible. 'Everything you say can and will be used against you' and all that bullshit.

It was times like this when he wondered why he was even friends with Nathan. He wasn't particularly nice to him, and actually made Sam feel bad about himself pretty often. But he had always just told himself it was all banter and that he was just too soft. He didn't really have lots and lots of friends, because he was busy helping out his family a lot of the time, (he had enough that he wasn't lonely, he wasn't a complete shut in) so maybe that was why he took Nathan's crappy remarks and insults. Oh well.

He stared out the window at the passing buildings and the starry night sky. Everything always seemed so calm at night. As a kid he'd loved going out on midnight drives, and often begged his dad to take him. Before he left, that was. He scoffed quietly, then looked up and hoped the officers didn't hear him - they didn't. He leant back in the seat and wondered how long it would be before he could go on a midnight drive again. He'd miss the stars. And the moon.

Then they were at a police station.
The whole situation went by in a blur, really. One minute he was having his finger prints taken, mugshot done (he looked like shit, so that was great) and then he had to give some 'personal information', (name, address, ect). He was searched and had all his belongings which were on him taken away (including his phone, whoopty-fucking-do) then he was put in a holding cell.

He was later on told that he could make a phone call, and he knew it was time to confess to his mother. It was around three in the morning now but he knew he had no choice other than to call her. He had no idea how she'd react.

An officer sat in the room with him, obviously monitoring his call, so he couldn't get all emotional. That would be embarrassing. He was already embarrassed enough, quite frankly.
He dialled the home phone, knowing his mum never answered her mobile.
One ring.
On the fourth ring she picked up.

He took in a deep breath.
"Hello?" She sounded tired, Sam felt the guilt sinking in.
"Hey, mum..." he greeted her, not really sure how to explain his situation.
"Sam?" She sounded a little more awake now, at least.
He scratched the back of his neck awkwardly.

"Yeah, uh, ok mum... don't freak out" he began
"What have you done now?" She sighed down the phone.
"Well, I'm kind of at the police station right now..."
"Oh, Sam" she sounded upset, which made Sam upset.

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