chapter eleven

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Authors note -

Hey! So I added cover pictures (^) to all chapters so far (check them out!) because I thought it just added a little more to the chapter.

Anyway, like always comments and votes are appreciated! Tell me if you see any grammar/spelling errors and I'll fix them.

Enjoy :)


One month later

For the last month or so they had kept quiet and drawn no attention to themselves. They only shopped when necessary, slept in the car and stayed on the road. They were really damn far from where Sam lived now - and the prison.

It was safe to say that their case had gone (or was beginning to go) quiet. They weren't on the news or in papers as much as they had been when they had first escaped - which was good, seeing as they had ran out of money.

They'd only been buying essentials and eating a lot less than usual, but it was all spent up. They needed to pull a job.

"Well, think of it this way" Noah began. They were parked on the side of another empty road, having just woken up, and Sam was already worrying about what they were gonna do that day "if we do this today, then tonight we'll eat like kings" he smirked.

Sam rolled his eyes but actually couldn't think of anything better as he dug into yet another nature valley bar. The only things they'd really been eating were breakfast bars and cheap, shitty snack foods.

He was looking forward to sleeping in a bed again, too. They'd just been sleeping on their reclined seats. Some nights Sam attempted to lie across the seats in the back, but it was pretty tight on space. He'd repeatedly thought about asking if they could find an inn or something, but then he'd remember that they had no money. So, yeah, he wouldn't mind having the extra cash.

"So... we're just gonna rob a shop?" He questioned, looking over to Noah who was rooting around for something to eat as a sorry excuse for breakfast. Noah looked at him and nodded.

"Yeah, maybe two depending on how much money we get"

Noah sighed.
"Look, I know you're worried about this Sam. I can just go on in by myself, if you want. I mean, we'll need a get away driver anyway".
Sam thought about it before nodding. He'd be much more comfortable with that.

"Okay then, it's settled. Just remember to watch my back, alright? Shout for me if you see cops or anyone about to call them"
"Yeah, sure".


After another day of driving aimlessly and it was getting dark again, Noah decided it was time to 'do the deed'.
They could see a lone shop up in the distance which still had lights on, meaning there was still someone occupying it.

Noah slowed down the car and stopped at the side of the road, to Sam.
"Okay, so here's how it's gonna go" he started to explain, grabbing Sam's full attention. "I'll go in, wave the gun round a bit and get the money then leg it back out to the car and you drive, kay?"

Sam nodded.
"You're not gonna shoot anyone, right..?"
Noah shook his head, dismissing the idea straight away.
"No. It's just to freak whoever's in there out a bit so they empty out the register. I wouldn't imagine that there's any customers in there at this time of night, anyway".

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