chapter eighteen

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Authors note-

Hey, I forgot to update last night bc I was binge watching a show so, sorry about that lol

Anyways, I haven't had chance to proof-read either so there will likely be spelling/grammar mistakes. If you spot any, please let me know and I'll change them.

As always, votes and comments are appreciated!

Enjoy :)


After what seemed an eternity driving, them two of them were finally nearing Sam's house. Which meant they were near the girls' flat, too. It was getting dark, and Noah suggested dropping their things off there instead of heading straight to Sam's house.

Sam allowed the idea and they pulled up in one of the few spots available near the building. Noah visibly relaxed back into his seat.
"I like driving and all, but driving for that long is just painful" he groaned, them rubbed the balls of his hands into his eyes. The street lamps cast an orange light over his face, and Sam leant over and kissed him.

"There's your reward" he winked, then pulled back to undo his seatbelt. Noah gazed at him as he did so, then unbuckled his own and the two of them stepped out the car. Once out, Sam followed Noah into the building and up the stairs to the girls' room (the lift was in use).

Noah gave a few hefty knocks to the door and it opened a few seconds later, revealing Angela. Her blond hair was scraped up in a messy bun and her green and blue eye inspected the two of them.
"Noah! Sam! Come in" she smiled. She always seemed way too energetic.

She was wearing a pink nightie, and it was obvious no one in the flat had expected company. Skye looked up from the sofa and then back to the telly, which was paused. There were snacks and blankets out, making it pretty obvious they were having a movie marathon (which had now been interrupted).

"Why are you guys here" Skye yawned, then thumped Courtney (slightly too hard) who was snoring next to her. She quickly sat up and wiped some drool off her cheek.
"What? What'd I miss?" She looked at the screen, then frowned to find it was paused.

"Noah's here" Skye rolled here eyes. Then she looked over at Sam and Noah who were stood by the door. Angela flopped back onto the sofa and pulled the blanket back over her.
"Well, why are you here?"

Sam looked to Noah, not knowing what to say. Noah ran a hand through his hair (Sam had a beanie on, not wanting to show his).
"Just, you know, in the area"

Skye raised an eyebrow. Her short hair was sticking up in every direction and she had on a grey hoodie which seemed about two sizes too big (probably Angela's, now that Noah thought about it).
"Have you guys even looked yourselves up? You're big news, especially here" She was frowning.

"Well the funny thing about that is, we don't have phones" Noah rolled his eyes and crossed his arms. Sam was staying quiet throughout the whole interaction as he had no idea what to say. Or what to do, so he was just stood there awkwardly next to Noah.

"You can use my laptop" Angela smiled sweetly, obviously wanting to diffuse the tension. Courtney was just munching on snacks and didn't even seem to be acknowledge the exchange. Then she pulled out her phone and started scrolling on an app.

Noah nodded and pulled Sam along with him by the sleeve as he went to enter another bedroom. There was a white sheeted double bed in the centre with fairy lights strung across the wall above it. Sam figured it was definitely decorated by Angela.

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