chapter nineteen

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Authors note:

So sorry for the delay! I've just had a bad writers block lately. I'm not too happy with how this chapter turned out but I didn't want to go another week without updating so here we are.

Also, I'm planning on bringing this story to an end soon, like maybe next chapter or the chapter after? Not sure, just a heads up. I've really enjoyed writing this but I think it's time to finish it.

Anyway, like always let me know if you see any spelling/grammar mistakes and I'll change them. Comments and votes are really appreciated! :)



Was his mum trying to cover him up or something?

"What do you mean?" Sam asked, confused.
Grace cut in, saving Evan from having to say anymore.
"She didn't really want to mention that she had a second son but, oh he's just on the run from the law, no biggie, so she just didn't really...bring you up" she bit her lip.

Sam could see where his mum was coming from but...ouch. Was she actually trying to forget him?
"Oh..." was all he could mutter.

That was when Noah finally decided to speak up.
"Why don't we all, uh.. sit down, huh?" He gestured to the living room, and Sam and his siblings flopped onto the cream sofa, Noah sitting on the armchair next to it.

" have you guys been managing?" Sam asked, changing the topic. Sure, he was a little peed off (okay, majorly, peed off), but he didn't want to brood over it right now. Evan scratched his arm.

"Okay" he said bluntly.
Grace frowned at him then faced Sam again.
"Mum's... well, she's not happy about your.. situation, but she's been coping" she said. She was twirling a strand of her newly cut hair around her finger.

Sam nodded. He felt like shit for putting his mum through all this but it was a little too late to back out now. The aura of the room was quickly becoming tense and awkward. Sam turned to Noah, who gave him a 'this is awkward' look.

"Well, why don't I-"
Sam's sentence was cut off by the sound of keys turning in the door and laughing and hushing outside the door.
"Mum's back" Evan whisper shouted. Grace cursed (which was new for her - but Sam would nag her about it later) and stood up.

"Quickly, upstairs!" She grabbed both Noah's and Sam's arms, shoving them up the stairs. Then Sam took the initiative and led them up to his room. There was no way his mum would go in there if she was trying to cover up his existence (still, ouch).

Once they got in his room Sam shut the door and turned to Noah, holding a finger up against his lips.
"Why are we hiding? I thought you wanted to see your mum" Noah whispered, clearly confused.
Sam rolled his eyes "because her boyfriend's with her" Sam replied, and Noah 'ohh'd under his breath.

The two of them stood in front of the door and listened out. He could hear his mum laughing and the sound of a man saying something - but he couldn't make out what. Noah sighed and collapsed onto Sam's twin bed.

Sam stayed put by the door, but shot a glance in Noah's direction. Then he heard Grace saying something, then silence. He heard mystery man say his goodbyes and the front door open then close again. Sam relaxed against the door - Grace must've thought of an excuse to get him to leave.

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