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If you are reading this and are about to get into the story, just know that I wrote this back when I was in middle school, which was over six years ago, and I have not touched this story since (for further elaboration on what that means time-wise, I am now graduated from high school and have a job). The writing in here is chronically bad, atrocious even, so I only recommend reading it right now if you want a good laugh (I had a good laugh despite all the cringing I did while rereading this). I will be rewriting this story in the future and post it to Archive of Our Own, and post it separately on here, and unpublish this old version. I will post an update before I do that, so if you want to read the rewritten version, make sure to add this to your library to get notified about the update and follow me so you can get updated when I announce it on my board as well, when I finally have started rewriting this. I currently have other stories I am working on, and I still haven't fully fleshed out the plot of this story, so it will be a while before I get started on this. If you don't like the idea of waiting so long on a flimsy Gaster x Reader, then you could ask me for some personal suggestions on other well-written Gaster x Readers or go check out my two currently-working-on stories: "Another Form, Another Time (Bill Cipher x Reader)" and "Dripping Ebony & Grinning Ivory (Bendy x Reader)" which are both on Wattpad and Archive of Our Own. Thank you for reading this before proceeding.

Your name was (y/n). Nope, no last name. Why? You had no relatives, friends, or relationships. You had very abusive parents growing up. They beat you any time they felt like lashing out or just because you did something they didn't like in general. You were the punching bag of not only your family, but your school and neighborhood... more on that later. Yeah, you did consider telling the police a few times, but what if they put you in a foster family that was even worse than your actual family? What if they put you in an orphanage where they serve you mush for food, make you do chores and work, or have abusive owners and evil willed children like in those movies you've seen when sneaking into theaters? But, as I have used past tensed words, that was all in the past. You managed to survive that hell hole.

When you turned seventeen you snuck out from your town and went to survive in Ebbot Town. Not too far from Ebbot Town lies on of the big cities called, as you've probably guessed since people back then sucked at naming things, Ebbot City. Ebbot Town is not only connected to one of the most famous cities in the country, but it's also located right smack next to the great, huge, and famous mountain named Mt. Ebbot. It's been around long before it was discovered and had dwellings built around it.

Mt. Ebbot has been around for a pretty long time. How long? Well, no one is quite sure. One thing that you were sure of though, was that there have been some pretty strange rumours going around about it for a long time. Some people think monsters live underneath the mountain, while others just call them crazy. Another rumour states that, "Those who climb the mountain, never return."

Some people think the ones that have gone missing were killed, some think they were kidnapped, some say they got lost and died looking for a way back, and others claim they all fell down into the deep pits of the mountain's abyss. No one knows why they've travelled there in the first place, but one things for sure...

None of them have ever been found.

There have been seven reports throughout the years of kids going missing. It's been going on for centuries now, which is an element on the topic that's kept it going for as long as it has. What you've heard of was one had a book and glasses, one had a bandana and gun, another left their home unnoticed with their favorite apron and a frying pan, and the rest you don't really remember. As for the first report, there was no information on the first kid except that the town really hated them and that they really hated the town. Recently, another kid went missing. Something about a kid named "Frisk" went missing a while back.

The description beared enough details of the kid's appearence so that anyone can spot them out. Actually, no one is really sure that they're actually a kid. Most people just assume they are due to all other past reports were all of kids going missing. No adults were ever reported. Anyways, they had a blue and violet striped sweater, brown, thick shorts with little button pockets in the back. As for the hair, it was short, scruffly brown hair with no distinct features other than it's straight besides the normal little mess that most people have. No curls or waves, just straight brown hair.

Anyways, enough of the folk lore, and back to you.

You some how managed to scrape by these past 3 years. You didn't have a job yet, and you may or may not have begged an old woman in your town that just-so-happened to win the lottery, to let you have their old house. Not only did she say yes, but she also said she would help you pay the bills and taxes until you had a suitable job. She's a very generous and good-willed woman, having been loved by everyone in town, making people frown when telling them the news about her leaving.

That old woman just-so-happened to be a friend of yours since you were 12. She knew about the way your parents treated you and would invite you into her house to chat anytime you needed. You used to sneak out and visit her every once in a while after school. Yeah, surprisingly, you had school despite how your parents treated you. They actually enrolled you in school, in which you've already graduated from. You had such amazing grades and were so good at science and math, that you got a free ride to college to get a job as a scientist. Sure it was a long walk to her house, but it was better than staying with your parents.

The old woman's name was Mary, ironically, considering she was not married. You always chuckled at the thought because of your wicked sense of humor. The house she gave you had two bedrooms, the second one is being used as a spare room for guests, one living room, one bathroom, and one kitchen. As for neighbors, they ignored you so you ignored them. Most of the houses in the neighborhood were up for sale. In fact, you couldn't completely call them neighbors because they lived several houses away from you.

Oh, did I not mention that you were the miss know-it-all in collage and graduated early? No? Well you did, and you'll have graduation day in a month or two because it was almost the end of the school year where the last year people have graduation day, and the first year people cry because they have so long to go until they get to have that special day when they finish college and get their dream jobs. When you told Mary the great news, she was so happy for you, congratulating you for your efforts. You finally wouldn't have to leech off that poor, old woman's money any longer! You two chat all the time over the phone and now she seems much happier when you two speak with one another ever since you told her the big news.

Though, lately you have felt depressed since you never really had any friends your age, and no dependable/trustable family members to socialize with or tell you, "Good job," or, "I'm so proud of you!" You were always bullied at school for being "different". Actually, your parents hated you for being different. Perhaps it was jealousy or an instinct for communism, though you were never sure.

You had an unnatural eye color, one that is remarkably rare. Your eyes are a purple-violet blend that looks like the gemstone, amethyst, itself. You were always so soft spoken because you were uncomfortable around every living being around you besides your beloved friend Mary. Everyone pretended that they couldn't hear you and would say, "Huh? What was that?" or, "What? I can't hear you!" You knew they could hear you though, so you shut down and tried your best to not socialize unless seemed necessary.

Despite your super smarts and early graduation, you didn't feel that happy or accomplished with yourself. Feeling like nothing was ever going to get better, and that life just had no meaning to it anymore, you were about ready to just give up. But all of that was about to change when a certain, missing human was found, and brought a little company with them...

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