Chapter 8 - An Explanation is in Order

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If you haven't already, please read the announcement that I posted before this chapter. It's very imporatant that you do. Thank you.

Exhaling, you mentally prepared yourself for negotiating with the monster that now took on the form of a mask glued on to your face by some unidentified force. The ceiling fan continued to click in almost every room in the household, almost in sync, but not quite, as they click the household into a cool temperature, making sure things didn't get too warm. Sitting there in silence, you patiently waited for just about any word to make it's way into the world through Gaster's voice alone, and after a few minutes of complete and utter silence, the two of you had recollected your thoughts and Gaster finally decided to start speaking of the so called, "compromise."

"I realize I've been very unpleasant for the past few hours you've known me," He started, "but while you had every right to act the way you did, and I should have been more sympathetic and open minded about how the situation affected you, we won't get anywhere fighting and resenting each other."

Yawning from the amount of energy you used trying to dodge Gaster and from the lack of proper sleep, you continued to listen to the mystery man intently, hoping there would be an agreement between the two of you by the time this conversation was finished.

"I apologise for my rude behavior and for coming at you without warning. I was afraid if I had warned you, you wouldn't cooperate and it would be much harder to reattach to you, which happened anyways..." He sighed, "The way you dodged so quickly and smoothly reminds me of your friend Frisk." He laughed lightly.

"Maybe not so much on the smooth part..." You said in complete disagreement, rubbing the bruise on your arm from accidentally ramming it into a doorknob.

"Hmmm..." He thought, "Let me try something, if you don't mind."

"Not at all, you've already violated my privacy and consent enough already to the point where I don't even think it matters what you do anymore, I couldn't be any more pissed at you than I already am."

"Ha, you're so funny." Gaster remarked sarcastically, conjuring another one of those perfectly punctured hands.

As I drifted through the air, it gently grabbed your arm where the dark and painful bruise plauged your pale skin. Before you could press Gaster for questions on his actions, you started to feel weird as the boney hand started to emit a light, green glow. It felt all tingly and warm, just like when it did after that flower punctured your stomach its vicious strength and thorny vines. Before you knew it, your injury was healed and he tended to all your other bruises, cuts, and scratches.

You sat there in utter shock and awe, your brain rattled and your mouth wordless from just how extrodinary and jaw dropping this whole concept was. How is he able to do that? What kind of magic was this? Could all monsters do this? What even is this? Your mind swirled with questions, you being left completely puzzled and left alone by silence to your own questioning thoughts. Gosh you loved monsters and magic.

"There." Stated the wonder that concealed your face and healed your wounds.

"H-how did you do that??? What kind of magic is that?" You stuttered in amazement.

"Healing magic." Hummed Gaster, pride filling his voice and tone.

Holy crap, I wish I could do that... You thought, hoping maybe it would be possible for you to learn something useful like that some day. It felt as if you were completely fine, which you were physically. Mentally, not so much. You're still scared shitless from that whole 'face alien' crap. It's was just like in the horror movies... except it wasn't.

A Mask Of Scars (Gaster x Reader) (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now