Chapter 4 - A Story in The Rain

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Frisk had frozen right when you asked that, and just like that, it had started raining.

"Um, I brought two umbrellas just in case." Frisk said nervously. They quickly grabbed out two umbrellas from their bag, trying to keep the two of you from getting drenched. Opening them, they put one over themselves, and gave the other to you. You gracefully spun it over your head, making a fabulous pose while doing so. Frisk giggled, but the atmosphere quickly went back to the awkward one that had originated beforehand. Not only was the tense atmosphere pressurized, but the weather enhanced that feeling, creating a cliche you'd normally only see in cheesy movies. Frisk decided to finally respond to your, not-so-thought-out, question.

"So, um... Why are you asking? Are you... planning to go down there?" Whoops, you were busted.

"No no no, I, uh, was just curious." You didn't sound very convincing, but Frisk seemed to buy that since they let out a huge sigh of relief.

"Oh, okay. I thought for a second you actually wanted to go down that hell hole." Frisk chuckled lightly, not blending in so well with her grim statement.

"Pffft, nah... Too risky." You lied. They seemed more relaxed now, their face and shoulders no longer tensed up. The two of you had finally arrived at the park and took a seat on a nearby bench, it being slightly wet from the rain. It wasn't pouring hard per say, but it wasn't exactly sprinkling either.

"So, you wanted to know what it was like, huh? Okay! Um... Where should I start? ...Oh! When I first woke up after I had fallen from the Underground, I was greeted by a monster. He taught me the basics of the Underground." You could tell they weren't telling the whole truth of the story, but you decided to just be polite and go with it, trying not to comment on any plot holes or left out information.

"Then I had met Toriel, who led me through the..." They went on about how they went through the underground, leaving a few plot holes here and there, just as you had thought. They continued on with their story, never stating how the barrier actually was destroyed. They made a few hyperbolic phrases here and there to emphasize the amount of peer pressure and danger they went through, traveling through what is to be described as hell and a frost land, going through many puzzles and many other obstacles.

"So, that's how I escaped the Underground. Though, I wouldn't recommend going down there, as you can tell how dangerous it is from what I told you about my adventure." You nodded aggressively. They seemed pleased by this. Something caught your eye though. You looked to the right, and standing there, was that deformed skeleton from earlier, watching you and Frisk with his hollow eyes. He seemed more interested with you than Frisk though, having a hint of admiration and curiosity to his empty sockets. You blinked twice, and he disappeared. At least, you assumed it's a he?

"Um, Frisk?" You asked nervously.

"Yeah?" They asked with a hint of curiosity.

"Have you seen any other skeletons in the Underground?"

"Um," Frisk paused, "N-no?" They stuttered, not seeming very truthful. "Why do you ask?" They questioned nervously. You thought back to when you last told Frisk about a stalker. When you did, they ended up in the hospital for permanent brain damage and a broken ribcage. Why didn't Frisk get in trouble? The reason being the guy has been know for kidnapping women for the past 30 years and was attempting to kidnap you and a few other women with solid evidence.

Needless to say though, you didn't want Frisk going phyco on a monster. You were still kind of scared that Frisk actually hurt someone. The fact that they hurt that guy so bad was the scariest part about it. You thought Frisk was a pacifist, not an aggressive masochist. Not really feeling like it was a good idea to explain to Frisk that you were being stalked by a ghost skeleton, you had to lie, yet again, to your friend.

"Just wondering. Maybe there might be a female skeleton for Sans or Papyrus to crush on and maybe even fight over." You said jokingly.

"Oh haha! I would like to see that happen." Frisk said, smiling goofily.

"So, shall we get going?" They nodded as you and Frisk got up to head home. Frisk unlocked the door and you both headed inside.

"We're back!" Frisk yelled.

"Oh thank goodness!" said Toriel, "Igotsoworriedwhenitstartedrainingandyou-" Toriel continued her parental rant, Frisk acting as if they were a soldier listening to their commander's orders. You on the other hand, just tried your best to pretend to listen. Everyone in the room watched and quietly giggled about how over-protective she was being. Then Alphys, who you had heard was their name from Frisk, had somehow walked up to you without you noticing. You looked down at them questioningly, with a kind smile.

"H-hi." Alphys greeted nervously.

"Oh, hi! How are you?"

"Um, g-good. S-so I was w-wondering... Do y-you like anime?" The little yellow dinosaur asked nervously.

"Yes! I love anime! You?" Alphys seemed to perk up as a smile formed on her face.

"D-do I? The answer to t-that is o-obviously y-yes! H-have you s-seen Mew Mew Kissie Cutie?" Alphys excitedly questioned, practically interrogating you.

"No, is it good?" You tilted your head questioningly.

"Yeah! Well, accept for M-Mew Mew Kissie Cutie 2. That movie's trash! It t-totally ruins the character developm-m-ment and plot line! You want t-to come watch it w-with me somet-time?"

"Yeah, I would love to!" Alphys smiled happily as she jaughted down her phone number on a slip of paper she had pulled out, along with a pen. You gave her your phone number as well, giving her a friendly grin. Exchanging phone numbers made you feel happy, letting you know that there are a lot of good people still left in this world, giving you hope for a new friend.

"Well, we should probably get going." Undyne announced with an appreciative look, walking up to you two, side hugging Alphys. The little yellow dinosaur blushed at the physical contact.

Just like that, everyone started heading out bidding each other goodbye. Toriel drove you home since going out in a Sports car when it was raining was clearly not a good idea. You know, it not having a hood and all? You thanked her, then, not wanting to get wet, quickly rushed inside, locking the door behind you. You went to your room, changing into your pajamas.

Afterwards, you went straight for the bathroom and brushed your hair and teeth. You removed the make up from your face, throughouly washing it. You happily ran to your room and jumped into your soft, cozy bed. You got under your blanket, got comfortable, and tucked yourself in. You closed your eyes and slowly drifted from reality. You couldn't wait for tomorrow.

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