Chapter 7 - Fusion of Minds and Tragedy

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Darkness surrounded you. That is, until it was replaced with a flashing light. You could see again and you were no longer in pain, but it seemed like you had a... mask on? Flowey was staring you down with a horrified yet, pissed of expression, looking like he just took a thourough beating.

"I told you to leave, now I have to save you. You humans can be so annoying some times." You heard the voice from that skeleton earlier come from the mask, groaning in annoyance. Your clothes were different and your wounds were healed. You were so confused that your head started spinning.

"WH-WHAT?! HOW D-DID YOU- No, I was going to make your death quick... BUT NOW I'M GOING TO ENJOY RIPPING YOU TO SHREDS!!" Flowey's vines and pellets headed at you at full speed. But suddenly, what looked to be floating dragon skulls with cracks in it, appeared in front of you vaporizing the threats along with a bunch of bones shooting at Flowey. A skeleton hand with a hole in the middle of it appeared and grabbed your wrist pulling you up as a couple more pushed your back trying to keep you from falling over. You watched as Flowey struggled against his new found opponent through the mysterious mask you had over your face. Then a bunch of those dragon heads appeared again blasting Flowey to one HP.

"WHAT?! B-BUT I WAS SO CLOSE!!! IF IT WASN'T FOR YOUR STUPID FRIEND I COULD HAVE BEEN ABLE love again.......... you humans really are a bunch of i-idiots... all you do is take. I swear I'll kill you some day for taking my hope away." Flowey started crying and retreated in the ground to who knows where. You actually felt bad for him.

"Sigh, he will never change, will he?" They said in a pitiful voice. You just stood there in silence trying to process what had happened. Your legs shook as did your arms. Your brain rattled and your heart was pounding in your chest, going from really fast to really slow. You couldn't take it.

"This might be a little dizzying." Suddenly, a bright light flashed before your eyes and you were in your living room. You almost fell over but another hand caught you. You were lead to your couch and set down and the hands released their grip on you and disappeared. The mask on your face detached and floated in front of you turning around. You felt dizzy and lightheaded, making you feel nauseated and giving you the feeling like you were going to pass out. You opened your mouth to say something, but realized you didn't have anything to say and closed it, that and you felt like it was too hard to speak right now. He seemed he realized your condition, which lead to him finally speaking.

"You have been exposed to alot of magic. Perhaps it would be best if you got some rest." You got up with the help of those punchered hands that keep apperaring from nowhere, and would have fell over a few times if it weren't for them to keep you on your two feet. After stumbling and almost falling over a few times, you finally made it to your room and collapsed down onto the top of your bed, your face planting into the cozy, cool sheets. Surprisingly, you passed out a few seconds later, despite your mind swirling with thoughts and questions and the pain from an empty and abused stomache, sending you into a deep and much needed slumber.


You awoke to the sound of the ceiling fan making clicking sounds as it spun, cooling the room. The lights were off, the only illumination coming from the glowing bright window. It was in the early morning from what you could tell, and you still felt tired. Your stomach and legs ached along with the pounding headache invading your mind. Sitting up, you rubbed your temples, recollecting what happened yesterday.

A Mask Of Scars (Gaster x Reader) (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now