Chapter 9 - A Friend Lost, A Truth Revealed

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"Frisk?" Your attention was caught. Why did he want to talk to them of all people? Doesn't he want to contact his loved ones first? It baffled and confused you. A puzzled look over took your face as you pulled out your phone and turned it on. The screen illuminated your facial features as you casually held in in your hand as your eyes locked onto the screen.

"Yes, that's what I said." He assured you, that they were who he wanted to contact, with confidence in his voice.

"Alright..." Clicking into your contacts, you didn't need to scroll through since you didn't have many people's phone numbers. That, and Frisk was the most contacted number on the list, leaving them on the top by default. Frisk was the only person that called you for friend purposes, every other number was for either business, offers, or school phone lines. Well, besides Alphys. She hasn't contacted you yet though besides cancelling the meeting up with her, you, and a beautiful date with a crap ton of unwatched anime series.

As for Undyne, Sans, Papyrus, ect., you didn't get their phone numbers yet. You weren't one who asks for phone numbers unless it was vital. Usually, you let the other person decide to exchange phone numbers in case they didn't want to or didn't actually like you. It was just that you wanted to make sure, for you didn't want to have the numbers of people who were never going to call you. It would just be a waste of space and data and you didn't want to have to pay for that.

Pressing the call button with the tap of your thumb, the phone started dialing Frisk. It rang into your ear impatiently, telling you there was no guarantee you were going to get an answer, but to sit tight in case you were. After a few seconds, the ringing stopped and a voice you've known for a couple months now started to speak.

"Hello?" Frisk half asked, half greeted, inviting a conversation into the call.

"Hi, This is (Y/N)!" You clarified.

"Oh, hello! I haven't heard from you for a while, even if its been a day or two. Though it feels like a while! It's been a while, right?" They asked, trying not to sound stupid. Laughing, a smile managed to slip on your face without you noticing.

"Yeah, you're fine. It has felt like a while for me as well. You're not alone dude." You reassured. A silly vibe replaced the irritable one. However, it was quickly switched back.

Gaster sighed impatiently, reminding you why you called. Oh, I almost forgot. Though, I was just saying hi, right? There should be no problem. Groaning quietly out of annoyance, you raised the phone to Gaster, signaling that he could speak with them now. However, you felt a hand push the phone away from his mask- er... face, and back to yours. Putting it up to your ear, you decided to not keep Frisk waiting any longer.

"Hold on for a moment Frisk, I need to do something... Don't hang up." Putting the phone down next to you, you sighed.

"I thought you wanted to talk to them." You whispered, not wanting Frisk to hear your conversation of you talking to someone.

"I don't." Gaster replied.

"Then why did you have me call them???"

"I want you to ask if we- you could come over."


"Because I wish to speak with them face to face, for it is much easier that way rather than communicating back and fourth on a phone meaninglessly. Is it not better to sort things out in person?" He questioned knowingly.

"Sigh, fine." You said, picking the phone back up and holding it to your ear.

"Frisk, you there?" You asked, wishing for clarification that they were still present and didn't hang up on you, even if you didn't believe they'd do that.

A Mask Of Scars (Gaster x Reader) (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now