Chapter 10 - Doc from Out of The Clock

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It hurt you.

Waking up, you recalled the events of last night. It felt like you've been betrayed by your best, and only friend in the world... and you were. Still, you didn't want to believe it, but it's kind of hard when your mind keeps wandering back to the events of yesterday. You wanted to melt away into the abyss and never resurface, but you knew that wouldn't be happening any time soon, especially since it'll kill Gaster too... rhetorically. You didn't want that in your concious on your death bed.

The curtains were closed shut, guarding your eyes from the light that was blazing into your room. Though you just woke up, you still felt tired. Shifting on the bed, you shivered. It seemed your clothes were still drenched. Gaster had the brains to leave you alone, for he could still be seen hanging on the wall with both eyes shut.

You sat up on your comfy, but slightly wet, bed and rubbed your eyes before picking the crusts out of them lightly with your index finger. You made promises to yourself that you'll keep a months grudge against Frisk, but you know you'll unknowingly forgive them within a couple of days if you couldn't help it if they did something nice. That's what usually happens when you're mad at someone.

Gaster heard the sound of the bed creaking as he opened his uncurved eye slightly, the one that didn't get disfigured when he fell victim to the core all those decades ago. It could have been decades, years, or centuries for all he knew. He didn't really keep track of time in the void, for he didn't actually think he'd ever be able to make it out. However, the scars remain from the incident, remaining as a reminder of his failures and flawed calculations.

He looked down at the bed to see you sitting up and half awake. It seemed like you had just woken up, finally. Sometimes he gets the luxury of falling asleep, and sometimes he doesn't. It all depends on how safe or secure you felt. It also depended on your mood, health, and status. The fact that he only got to fall asleep twice within the time he's spent fused with you goes to show how unhappy of a life you've had and currently hold. He didn't even get a single moment of shut-eye ever since Frisk threw that fit of theirs. (Not that he needs sleep anyway.)

Now he'd have to suffer the aftermath.

Your eyes drooped lazily as you slowly got out of bed. Gaster decided to take advantage of your unaware state and flung himself back onto your face to rejuvenate. You were in a shitty mood right now, so this didn't help and only pissed you off more. Sensing this, he flipped to the side of your face instead of the front, hoping that it was at least acceptable. You've settled on giving him the silent treatment along with Frisk. As if on cue, Gaster thought it would be a great idea to make a snarky comment again.

"Not a morning person?"

You didn't respond.

Instead, you got up and lazily drifted to the kitchen to brew up some coffee for yourself. As you made your way over to your household's culinary room, you stumbled every now and then and even almost stubbed your toe. Just as you were about to step on the checkered kitchen flooring tiles, which were painted with all kinds of water based monster bred flowers (such as Echo Flowers and Glowing mushrooms,) you heard your cellphone ring, lieing in your purse on top of the living room coffee table. How ironic. The coffee table was involved with preventing you from getting some coffee.

Sighing, you made your way over to you electronic device as it rung. A glow came from the inside of your purse as you finally stood in front of it, picking up the phone.

Better not be fucking Frisk-

It was Frisk.

Oh-ho! So they dared to call you early in the morning? And what's this; they texted you twenty-three times? Let's see what they said!

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