Emily, Bella, Ursula, and Jared stepped into the house while Sam, Embry, Quil, and Jacob stayed outside with Paul.
They chatted about small things. Ursula avoided asking about Emily's scars. Feeling that it was a topic rarely, if ever talked about. They were starting on Ursula's story, when Jacob came into the house. Ursula noted the time.
"I should go." She said standing up.
"Do you have to?" Emily asked.
"Yeah. I hunt more than usual to help keep my bloodlust under control."
She hugged Emily, and shook hands with Jared before leaving. Once she was back on Cullen territory, she tracked down a lone buck and killed it with quick succession. As Ursula was draining it, she could smell an unfamiliar scent. She drank the rest of the blood, before bolting off in the direction the scent came from.
The scent was eminating from Bella's house. She jumped in through open window in the bathroom. She sniffed the air. She could hear Bella's father breathing slowly, meaning he was asleep.
She moved through out the house. She could smell the intruder everywhere. The human was unharmed. She followed the scent out, and down the road. Ursula followed it for a few miles before the scent disappeared.
'Whoever that was in the house...they wanted something.'
'You think? Should we go any further?'
'I'm not sure. I could track them down all most immediately. But you would have to let me out.'
Ursula thought it over for a few minutes, before deciding.
'Fine. But, if I suspect any ounce of betrayal, I will destroy your heart. Understood?'
Ursula closed her eyes, taking a deep breath before saying the fateful word.
Ursula disappeared in a cloud of black smoke. The smoke parts to reveal a woman covered in tattoos, and wearing clothes that scantily covered hear. Her her was black as night, and went past her hips.
'Show me what you got.'
'With pleasure.'
Enchantress closed her eyes, and raised her arms. Dark smoke emanated from her fingers. The smoke swirled in front of her, raising as if there was something pushing it up from the ground. The smoke swirled in front of Enchantress for a few seconds longer before dispersing. A figure cloaked in a slimy substance stood where the smoke once was.
"I need you to track someone for me. Once you find him, come back and report to me."
Enchantress recited a spell, and let the creature go.
'How long until it comes back?'
'It will take some time. Had I been able to turn a human, it would have taken less time.
Enchantress closed her eyes once more, and let Ursula come back. Ursula shook her head, before returning to the house.
Ursula was lounging on her bed, reading a book, when the sound of the Volvo's engine alerted her to Edward's arrival. She placed the book down, and went downstairs. Carlisle, Esme, Alice, Rosalie, Edward, and Bella were all in the living room.
"Is it someone we know?" Carlisle asked.
"No. I didn't recognize the scent." Edward said.
Ursula knew that they were talking about the strange scent in Bella's house.
"I tried tracking the scent," She said, letting her presence be known. "I lost the scent after a while."
"Same with us," Jasper said, as he and Emmett walked in. "We lost the scent five miles south of Bella's house."
Ursula kept the fact that Enchantress was working on a way to find the vampire, to herself.
"Someone's orchestrating this." Carlisle stated, sounding distressed.
"Victoria, maybe?" Bella offered.
"I would've seen her decided." Alice said, shaking her head.
"It has to be the Volturi then, Alice." Edward huffed.
"I don't think it's them either. I've been watching Aro's decisions." Alice explained.
"So we keep looking." Emmett said.
"We'll also take turns guarding Bella at her house." Carlisle said.
"Another protection detail?" Rosalie asked.
Ursula put a comforting hand on her sister's shoulder. Knowing how much Rosalie disliked Bella.
"I'm not leaving her defenseless." Edward said.
"Well, I'm not gonna let you guys starve," Bella said, trying to reason with him. "Besides, I wouldn't be unprotected."
"No," Edward said.
"Edward the wolves could help." Bella said.
"I won't allow it!"
Ursula stepped forward.
"Edward, you have to put your hatred for the wolves aside. If not for Bella's safety, then for mine."
Esme stood up, concerned for her daughter. Ursula looked at her parents scared of what their reactions to what she was about to say.
"Before Jasper found me lying in the woods, I went to apologize for my behavior and negotiate my portion of the treaty. Sam, Jared, Jacob, and Paul met me at the treaty line. After three of them left, I had a few words with Paul.
He had imprinted on me during our little brawl in the woods. How that's possible, I'm not entirely for sure. I asked him why he wasn't following Sam. Paul stepped forward and said the following words, 'I, Paul Lahote, hereby reject you as my imprint.' He left after words. As far as I know, as long as I don't accept his rejection, I'm still considered his imprint and currently the only vampire allowed on the reservation."

The Unusual Cullen
FanfictionWhen Bella met the Cullens, she's instantly entranced by their looks. But when a previously unmentioned member of the coven returns from a trip, how will Bella react? More importantly, how will the coven member react when she learns of Edward's invo...