It hurts

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Ursula PoV

In the days that followed, the wolves reluctantly agreed to help. Not one of them liked it, but when I told them that I'd be staying with Bella for a while as added protection, they seemed to take to the plan a little better. As it turns out, Bella and I are more similar in certain areas than I thought.


Bella and I rode in silence, as I drove us to La Push. Edward was furious but when I threatened to trash his precious music collection, he relented. After I made sure he was gone, I grabbed the keys to his car, and picked Bella up from her house.

We met Jacob at the treaty line, so I could drop her off.

"Does he own a shirt?" I asked in disbelief.

We got out and walked over to Jacob's car.

"You're lucky it's me and not Edward dropping her off." I said.

Jacob rolled his eyes.

"Do you think it'd be alright if went to Emily's place?" I asked.

"I don't see why not." Jacob said, shaking his head.


I pulled up to Emily's place, slightly nervous. Even though Sam said I was allowed on the reservation, he didn't say were could and couldn't go.

As I got out and shut the door, a few of the boys came out of the house to greet me.

"Where'd you get the car?" Embry asked.

"It's Edward's. Took it after he went hunting," I said with a grin. "Is Emily here?"

"Yeah. She's in the kitchen." Quil said.

I walked into the house, and placed my jacket on the back of a chair.

"Hey Emily. Need any help?" I asked.

"Yeah. I've got to cook a lot of food for a bonfire tonight. I could use some help with the chicken. Could you shred it?" She asked, while mixing what looked like muffin batter.

"Yep. My mother had a recipe for a barbeque chicken sandwich. I could make that as well?" I offered.

"That'd be great. The more food the merrier. The boys eat like there's no tomorrow."

I laughed at the image of the wolves shoveling food into there faces.

"Sounds like something Emmett would do."


3rd Person PoV

Ursula sat next to Emily, making small talk with the council members. She knew that hearing these tales ment a great deal. Especially since she was a cold one. After Jacob and Bella arrived, Billy began the story telling.

Ursula was entranced with the history. But when Billy reached the part of when Taha Aki's son was killed, Enchantress spoke up.

'Ursula, my spy has found something. I think you should look at it.'

'Show me.'

Ursula's vision was replaced with that of an abandoned warehouse on a waterfront. She could see people, no, newborn vampires tearing into the helpless victims below her. Before her vision faded, she spotted two vampires that were separated from the rest. The male vampire stood up, looking around at the newborns with disgust.

When her visions faded back to the present, the council was looking at her.

"You alright there?" Emily asked.

"No. There's something that I need to do, and it won't end well. There's a vampire in Seattle killing people. Possibly turning them. If the situation doesn't stop, the Volturi could come." I said.

"What are these Volturi you speak of?" Billy asked, leaning forward.

"They are the ones who hold up vampire law."

"Vampires have laws? You can't be serious." Embry snorted.

I looked at him, angry that he'd even scoff at the idea.

"I'm very serious. There are four laws vampire must abide by. 1.) Keep our existence a secret, 2.) If a human discovers what you are, turn them or kill them, 3.) Never draw attention to yourself, 4.) Finally, never, and I mean never, insult the Volturi kings.

You break anyone of those rules, you are brought before the Volturi, and killed. The fact that you guys know about vampires, can and will put your lives in danger if Aro, Marcus, or Cauis get any inkling that you know. Hell, if they could kill the entire tribe."


Ursula spent the next couple days in her room. Going over the information that she received. With Jasper's confirmation on the incident in Seattle being caused by newborns, Ursula knew it was only a matter of time before the Volturi stepped in.

"Carlisle, we need to do something. If the Volturi steps in, it could be the end of us. Of the pack, the tribe. Hell, maybe even Forks if Aro suspects it." Ursula said, in an urgent tone.

"I know. But if we act too soon, we could be destroyed as well."

Before Ursula could say anything else, Edward and Bella walked in.

"Carlisle, could you look at Bella's hand?" Edward asked.

It was then, that Ursula noted Bella cradling her hand against her chest. With Edward's posture was rigid, and the tone of his voice, Ursula knew Jacob must've been involved. Carlisle briefly disappeared, then re-appeared with a bag full of medical supplies.

"It's just a sprain," He said, wrapping Bella's hand. "It should heal fairly quickly."

"Tryin' to walk and chew gum at the same time again, Bella?" Emmett asked.

"I don't think that's it Emmett," Ursula said. "I'm guessing that Jacob kissed you, and you punched him in retaliation. Am I right, Bella?"


Emmett laughed.

"Badass. You're gonna be one tough little newborn." Emmett said. 

"Tough enough to take you on." Bella said. 

Rosalie marched out of the room in anger. Ursula snorted. 

"You don't get it do you," She asked Bella. "None of us wanted this. We want to be human and yet, here you are. A human girl who has her whole life ahead of her. The possibilities for you are endless! You have the chance to become a mom! Us women don't! I would give anything to be human again! Instead I'm frozen forever listening to a mamby pamby little human complain how she's not becoming one of us!!" 

Ursula was positively shaking with anger. She whipped around to Edward, snarling. 

"You should've stayed away from her. But since you couldn't, our family is in danger! Because of you!" 

Noticing that Ursula was about to do something that she was going to regret, Enchantress forced Ursula to say her name so she could take over. The Cullens gasped at seeing what she had become. 

"You have betrayed her trust. You are no better than that filthy mutt!" Enchantress spat. 

She warped from the Cullen's place, to Emily's. She relinquished control back to Ursula as Emily came rushing outside. Emily could see her friend was distraught, and brought her inside. She hated seeing her friend hurt. 

"Is everything okay?" She asked Ursula. 

"No. Nothing will ever be okay. Between what Paul did and my family being in danger, nothing will ever be okay. It hurts, Emily. Everything hurts. Make it stop!" Ursula said before passing out on the couch. 

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