When Bella met the Cullens, she's instantly entranced by their looks. But when a previously unmentioned member of the coven returns from a trip, how will Bella react? More importantly, how will the coven member react when she learns of Edward's invo...
I glared at Edward in the rearview mirror as I drove him and Bella to the airport in Port Angeles.
'Why do you have to go? The human can go by herself.'
'She wouldn't go unless I went.'
"So what's with the sudden urge to go to Florida?" I asked out loud.
"Carlisle and Esme were kind enough to give Bella plane tickets for her birthday. I suggested that she use them before they expired." Edward said.
"I see."
I pulled up to the airport, wanting nothing but to get the human out of my car. After they got the last bit of luggage out, I gave a quick wave to Edward before pulling out of the parking lot.
After I'd returned, Carlisle and Esme were kind enough to take me to a car dealership in Seattle. I remembered how I loved the look of Tony Stark's Audi in the second Iron Man movie, and picked out a dark blue Audi R8.
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When they paid for it, I all but shouted in excitement.
When we got home, I had a talk with them.
"I just wanted to say thank you. For everything. You took me in, and let me become a part of your family. I was a mess when you took me in, and you guys helped me become the person I am today. With out you guys, I don't where I'd be. I love you guys so much."
After we talked, the family went on a hunting trip to be at our most powerful for when we chase down the vampire threatening Edward's human girl.
I shook my head, to clear the thoughts running through my head. I stepped on the gas pedal, and sped off towards Forks. When I pulled up to the house, I could hear the family discussing on how to handle the vampire.
"So can someone catch me up on why this vampire is after the girl?"
"Last year, we were playing baseball, and three nomads passing through heard us," Carlisle said. "One of the males caught Bella's scent and decided to pursue her. Alice, Jasper, Emmett killed him. It nearly cost Bella her life."
I stared at them in disbelief.
"Aren't those the same nomads that murdered that guy Waylon, Rose? The ones you told me about?"
I looked at my family, in disbelief. The fact that they knew the nomads were still around, and decided to take the girl out for a game of baseball, irked me to no end.
"You mean to tell me, that you guys knew that the nomads were possibly still around? Yet you decided to take her out for a game of baseball."
3rd Person PoV
Ursula bowed her head for a bit. The others looked at her with unease. Their eyes widen with suprise and slight fear when Ursula lifted her head. Her eyes were glowing a bright orange.
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"You endangered the life an innocent. She won't forgive you easily." She said in a voice deeper than her own.
'Ursula' walked upstairs, locking herself in her room.
The Cullens stood in the forest. Waiting for the moment Alice said Victoria would appear. Mostly spread out over a small area, Ursula stood near Emmett and Rosalie.
When Emmett was brought to the house all torn up from a bear, Ursula was reminded of her brother. Emmett looked everything like Damien. Except for his eye and hair color.
"Are you sure this is where you saw her?" Carlisle asked Alice.
"She almost here."
Ursula grew anxious. She wanted this vampire dead. It had taunted her family for the last time.
'Let me out.'
'No. I let you slip through once. That was because my emotional barrier was compromised. I'm not letting you through again.'
Ursula shook her head to clear out the thoughts so she could have a clear head.
When Alice shouted, 'On your left!' Ursula took off faster than any of the others. She wanted nothing more than to tear the vampire apart, limb from limb. Emmett managed to catch up, and reached out.
Victoria easily tossed him away. Enraged, Ursula screamed with fury. She picked up the paced. Nearly grabbing her, before she jumped the river.
"Wait," Carlisle shouted. "She's in their territory."
Ursula sped off. Running parallel to Victoria, with Emmett just a head of her.
"She's gonna get away!" Esme yelled.
"No she won't!" Jasper yelled after two of the wolves started bounding after Victoria.
Ursula sped up, wanting to catch up to Victoria. Said vampire once again jumped the river. She ran through the forest, easily dodging Jasper's attempt to catch her.
As Victoria jumped to the other side, Ursula slowed down.
"Emmett, no!!"
Ursula PoV
"Emmett, no!!"
My eyes widened as I watched Emmett leap after the red head vampire. I snarled when one of the wolves collided with my brother.
"Ursula, no!" I heard Carlisle shout as I jumped next Emmett.
"Leave him, alone!" I shouted, shoving the wolf away.
The grey mutt snapped and growled, before launching himself at me. I kicked Emmett away as I caught the mutt. I swung the wolf around, and slammed him into the ground.
"Now you look here. My brother made a dumb ass, rookie mistake. He was caught up in the moment. LEAVE HIM ALONE."
The wolf snarled as he got up. I snarled back --preparing to defend myself-- when the wolf's growling stopped as we locked eyes.
We stared each other down for a seconds, before I rolled my eyes and jumped back up to the others.
"I'm going hunting." I said before running off.
AN: I'd like to dedicate this chapter to Secret-writer91 for helping me come up with the confrontation scene. I wasn't sure on how to write this, and the person that they are, were kind enough to help. So thank you!