What then?

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It wasn't until the day before the battle, that Ursula decided to spend time with Emily. Sam picked her up from the treaty line, and dropped her off.

"How're you doing?" Emily asked, sitting across from Ursula.

"Could be better. Besides going blind, and the inability to keep blood down, I'm peachy."

Emily frowned. Before she could say anything, Sam walked in. The way his heart was beating, told Ursula something wasn't right.

"What's wrong?" Emily asked.

"Something's wrong with Paul. He's lying in bed, sweating profusely, unable to eat anything."

Ursula frowned. She stood up, facing Sam's general direction.

"Take me to him. There must a reason this is happening."


"Emily, I'll be fine. Something's happening to the both of us. We need to fix it."

"You think it's something to do with the imprint." Sam said.

"Possibly. I can't keep blood down, because, somehow, I think I'm becoming human again. Paul, he's experiencing bits and pieces of what I'm going through. If someone's gonna be there for him, it has to be me."

"Ursula, he's hurt you, quite a few times."

"Yeah, and now he's paying for it. If there's a small chance of me helping him, I'm going to do it. Whether he wants it or not."

Sam reluctantly took Ursula over to see Paul. His father was wary of her. Not liking the fact that a vampire was in his house. Sam took her to Paul's room.

"What is she doing here?" Paul asked, his voice hoarse.

"I'm here to help. Whether you like it or not."

Sam led Ursula to chair that was next to Paul's bed.

"Leave us. There's a lot we need to talk about."

"Are you sure?" Emily asked.

"I'll be fine."

After the group left, Ursula waisted no time.

"When did these....symptoms, start?"

"Why should I tell you?"

"So I can figure out if this is related to the imprint, or not. I know I'm not the ideal....'mate,' but you're stuck with me. Suck it up. So, when did they start?"

"A few weeks ago."

"Where they always this bad?"


Ursula frowned.

"When did it start getting worse?"

"Two weeks ago. Why do you even care?"

"I don't want to die. Unless you're wanting to die, I suggest you stop whining. The big fight is tomorrow, and we need as many people as we can."

Paul snorted.

"I could care less."

Anger bloomed in Ursula like never before.

"What about your family?! What about your people?! What then? If these newborns aren't stopped, they are going to reek havoc like you've never seen before! The secret about vampires would get out, and the Volturi would come and destroy everything and everyone you've ever loved!"

She stood up, facing the bed.

"But if you want to let them die, fine! Lie there and suffer." She said, with an unnatural growl in her voice.

Paul looked at Ursula, seeing that she had her fists clenched, and her whole frame was shaking.

"Fine. But only because I hate being stuck in bed. I, Paul Lahote, take back my rejection and accept you as my imprint."

The effect was near instantaneous. A peace settled over the room, and the tension disappeared. Ursula blinked rapidly, adjusting to the sudden intake of light. Sam, and Paul's dad sighed in relief. Glad that Paul would get better.

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