Chapter Three

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{ Chapter Three }

The rest of the ride to Eliza's house is quiet. The radio plays a slow song faintly, barely heard above the sound of the car's wheel against the road. 

I look out the window and watch people walking along the sidewalk, pushing strollers, some even playing guitar for money. I smile to one child that follows us with her eyes as we drive past. 

Eliza pulls into her driveway a few minutes later, cutting the car's engine. The house is huge with multiple windows and a wide brick porch. The lawn is perfectly manicured, flowers planted along the walk that leads to the steps. You can see a silhouette of a chandelier in the main window. The house is brick with black shutters. It all looks so fancy and expensive. 

"Well, this is it." She chuckles. "Come on, I'll give you a tour." She climbs out of the car, so I do the same. I follow her into the roomy foyer, where I can now see the chandelier in all its glory. "I'm going to go throw some snacks together and start supper. You can just walk wherever you like, make yourself at home. Don't hesitate to ask for anything."

I nod, climbing the stairs. I quickly find Eliza's bedroom; the door is open and the king-sized bed is made perfectly. A brown wooden jewelry box sits on the top of her dresser. I slide the top open, peering inside. Shiny diamonds and pearls stare back at me. I look back at the door before grabbing handfuls of necklaces and bracelets, shoving them into my jacket.

"Hey! What are you doing?"

I spin around, coming face-to-face with a boy my age, his features resembling Eliza's. His hair is short and brown; his eyes are blue. 

"That's not yours. Who are you?" He snaps, glaring at me.

"I-I, um, I-"

"You shouldn't be here. I'm not screaming for my parents because I'm a nice person and you don't seem too bad, but you need to leave. You have five seconds to leave the way you came or I'm yelling. Five... four..."

I sprint around him, dashing down the stairs. I hear Eliza exclaim from the kitchen, but I don't care. I'm terrified. If the cops come here, I'll be completely screwed.

I fling the front door open and start running on the street, my sneakers smacking the payment. Someone is running behind me, making me run even faster. They latch onto my arm and I jerk it back, screaming.

"Grace, Grace." The man says, tugging me in his arms to the ground. "It's okay. My name is Michael Brian. I am Eliza's husband. You're fine. I'm going to take you back to my house and we'll get you some hot food, okay?"

I shake in his hold, trying to get free. He doesn't budge. "Let's go, okay?"

I nod. If I can get loose when he lets go of me, I can make a run for it. He lifts me up slowly onto my feet. I don't know what makes me stay, but I do. Michael takes my hand and leads me up the driveway, walking slowly so I can keep up.

"Eliza?" He calls when we reenter the house.

"Is she alright?" She finds us in the foyer, a slotted spoon covered in marinara sauce in her left hand. "Oh, Grace. You scared us."

"I-I'm sorry-"

"No, no, no." She pulls me into an unexpected hug. I'm stiff for a moment until she lets go. "You don't have to apologize for anything."

I nod. "Now let's go eat dinner, shall we?" Eliza motions for her husband and takes into the dining room. A maid is dishing out lasagna onto each china plate.

We all sit down, including the boy that scared me off. He glares at me across the table. After we all join hands, Michael prays and we dig in. 

I grab my fork hesitantly and glance up, watching Eliza eat her own serving. She cuts the corner of her food off, stabbing it with her fork and eating it neatly. I attempt to do the same, but it falls off my fork and hits the white lace table cloth.

Eliza smiles at me, motioning towards my napkin. "It's okay. We can always clean it."




After dinner, Eliza shows me to my room. The bedspread is white with a purple-colored flower design. The pillows are all white.

"The bathroom's in there." She points to a door on the left. "Anything is yours to use. Have a good night, Grace." She kisses my forehead and exits my new room, closing the door softly behind her. 

When I glance in the bathroom, my mouth literally falls open. A huge porcelain tub rests in the corner. A matching toilet is near it. The double sink (porcelain as well) is spotless, and a long mirror hangs in front of it. 

I lay down on my bed, still in my clothes, and sigh. I've never had anything so expensive like this. I'm a poor, abused child. I don't deserve to be taken into a rich stranger's home and given all this fancy stuff. I left my younger sister in the hands of my two abusive parents and they could kill her if they wanted. I don't deserve to be in such nice care when she's most likely on the verge of death. 

And it's my fault. 

A/N: This book will get better, I promise.


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