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Westmoore Castle, two months later

"I want to thank you all for your hospitality, but I really should be on my way."

"Are you going to sail on the ocean again?" Miss Jane asked.

She was the youngest of the Graysons. At five years old she had the face of an angel and she held Stu's grumpy heart in her chubby little hands.

"No. Not for a little bit yet." He kissed her nose and she giggled. "You see, poppet, first I went to Hartwood and saw your cousins there. And then I came here to visit with you and your family."

"Are you going to visit Ladd then?"

"No, Poppet. I'm going home to visit my sister and my mother. I've been away from home for a very long time."

"You must miss them." Miss Anne added.

Anne sat on his other knee. She was a year older than Jane and just as sweet. Was it possible to have two loves he wondered as kissed her nose and earned another sweet giggle that made his heart sing.

"I do."

"Will your sister come with you someday?" Master William asked.

William was the child that was created during their hellish time under Blakeney. He blossomed into a bright twelve-year-old. He was home from Eton for this visit and later when he finished with University he would be ready to assume his place as Marquis of Winterton. His brother Martin was nine and just as curious, but much less serious.

"I don't know." He answered them honestly. "I never thought to ask her."

"Well you should." Anne nodded emphatically.

"Oh?" Stu asked as he looked from one young face to the other and watched them nod their agreement.

"I've never met my auntie before." Martin announced.

"I shall ask mama to send her an invitation." William announced with all the seriousness of a little Lord.

Once more Stu had to bite his cheek to keep from laughing.

"Well, I should be happy to carry it with me then as I should be traveling to see her after I leave here."

"Are you leaving tonight?" Jane curled herself into him.

"No poppet." He squeezed her gently and kissed the top of her head. "Tonight, I shall tell you a story about pirates and a brave captain and ..."

"And a damsel in distress?" Anne lit up.

"And a damsel in distress." Stu chuckled. "And then I shall tuck you in and kiss you goodnight."

"But tomorrow you shall leave us again." William announced in his serious little way.

"Yes. After we have breakfast and say a proper goodbye," Stu squeezed the girls to him. "Then I shall leave you all and travel to see my sister."

"Then I won't be sad." Anne announced.

"Then I won't be sad either." Jane echoed.

"We can't be sad if you are going to see your sister and your mother." William explained.

"I should miss mama very much if I were away very long." Martin added and Stu noticed he hadn't said he would miss his sisters.

Stu chuckled as he reached out and ruffled Martin's hair earning a boyish chuckle.

The Charlotte Series: Book 3: The Pretender's GoldWhere stories live. Discover now