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Beck stopped squirming. He sobbed hysterically and he-no-she-seemed suddenly resigned to her fate.

Stu sank to his knees as he spoke in his gentlest voice, the one he used to use when Em would get frightened in the night. "I'm sorry Beck. I didn't-that is-I-I won't hurt you, child."

Richard quickly worked the buttons on his shirt and slipped it around the thin shoulders of the trembling child. Richard laid a gentle hand on her cropped hair but she flinched away and his heart broke.

"I'm truly sorry, Little One." He whispered.

Richard imagined everything this child had suffered-neglect, abuse, hunger, deprivation-and realized it must have been worse than that...much worse. He needed help but was reluctant to leave Beck alone just now. Richard was relieved to see Dorcas standing in the hall.

"Dorcas, could you please send Summer in?"

Richard saw her face fall as Beck's soft sobs floated into the hall.

"Yes, of course." She nodded and was gone.

Closing the door behind him he met Stuart's tortured gaze.

"Beck?" Richard spoke softly and held out is arms. With a nod, Stuart left them.

"Rebecca? Sweetheart?" His heart melted when she curled into him with a soft whimper.

Richard sank to the floor, cradling her in his lap. "Becca Baby," he started as he gently stroked her back, "I don't know who hurt you but I promise you that no one will ever hurt you again."

"Dorcas said you needed me?" Summer limped quietly into the room, closing the door behind her.

"Becca? Baby?" Richard whispered, grateful she at least stopped trembling. "Miss Summer's here. She's going to help you get clean. I'm sure your skin must be powerful itchy. Won't you let her help you?"

The little girl slipped her arms around his neck and hid her face in his shoulder. His heart fluttered as she clung to him.

"Becca?" Summer spoke softly as she adjusted Richard's shirt to cover the girl again. "Would you let me wash you if Richard holds you?"

Becca nodded against his shoulder but she didn't let go.

Stuart returned with a bucket of hot water, a towel, and a bar of Summer's scented soap. He set them at Summer's feet and retreated without a word.

"I've sent Miss Dorcas and Mr. Lane to the attic. When we were looking for little boy's things, I found a trunk with my old things. I'm sure there is something there for you to wear."

Summer rolled up her sleeves and smiled at Richard as she reached for the rag near the tub. Dipping the soap in to the warm water, she twirled it around in her hands to release the scent.

"Can you smell that?" Summer asked holding the soap near Becca's shoulder "It's blue bells and primrose from the fields near where I live. My sister helped me make this soap. Doesn't it smell nice?"

Becca turned her head just a little and sniffled. "It's pretty," she mumbled against Richard's neck.

Summer dipped the rag into the warm water and rubbed the soap across. She twisted out the excess water and set it down a moment.

"I'm going to move the shirt down a little and then I'm going to rub this nice warm rag on your neck and shoulders. Is that okay?" Summer asked softly.

"Mm hm." Becca murmured from the safety of Richard's neck.

Summer gently bathed the girl, little by little. It took a long while, but slowly the girl unwrapped herself enough to sit on Richard's lap and watch as Summer washed her legs.

The Charlotte Series: Book 3: The Pretender's GoldWhere stories live. Discover now