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Chapter 42

The conversation ended abruptly and Summer scrambled back away from the entrance as someone approached.

"Good morning, my dear."

Summer said nothing as she stood with her hands clasped before her straight and polite as if this were her grandmother's parlor.

"Did you sleep well?"

No answer.

"You are looking livelier than you were last night. Shall I see for myself how the bruises are healing?"

He stepped forward. Summer fought the urge to step back. Instead she straightened spine and held her ground. Her fingers ached from holding them so tightly but at least he wouldn't see them shaking.

"Come my dear. I've no desire to share you just yet. But give me cause and I shall hand you over to them as a bonus. They may use my land and my wife as they see fit—"

"What do you want from me?" she hated the desperation she heard in her voice.

"That should be obvious."

When he reached out, she lost her resolve. Turning aside, she snarled at him.

"Don't touch me!"

"For now." He growled low, "I shall do as you wish. I can claim concern for your injuries. But do not cross me in front of them or I'll give you over. Am I clear?"

"Crystal." She snapped. "Husband."

"Ah, much better. Shall we join them at the fire then?"

Summer went pale beneath her bruises.

"Ah, you are still not well. I'll bring you a plate then."

"Thank you." Summer managed to choke out.

"Don't expect much. The beans are plain and slightly burned and their coffee is thick as mud."

"It's food." She whispered, trying not to think about how long it had been since she'd eaten—

Two? Or was it three days?

"Right you are." He nodded his approval at her meekness. "I'll be back, my dear."

Summer let out a sigh and felt her bones melt the moment he was gone. She'd thought Stuart would find her—and he had. But how could he follow a trail erased by cattle—and rain?

A sudden commotion drew her near the entrance again. This time she dared to peek out. They had visitors. She couldn't hear much but she caught deputy, bandaged head, white flag and out of range. She assumed they were waiting to speak with the man in charge, which would explain why they were arguing.

With a guilty twinge she knew the man with the bandaged head must be Richard. She'd really hit him hard. But who was the deputy? And where was Stuart?

Summer was so lost in her thoughts she failed to hear the footsteps. She shrieked and stumbled backward as the flap suddenly opened. Her heel caught on the torn edge of her skirts and she landed hard on her bottom.



Summer blinked. Her Husband held out a plate of food and what passed for a cup of coffee. She stared at the rain as it ran off the brim of his hat a moment before she reached out and tentatively took the food.

"Thank you." She whispered.

"This would be a good time to take care of your business. Go out in the trees in back of the tents. But don't think about running. It's a box canyon and there's no way out but through them."

The Charlotte Series: Book 3: The Pretender's GoldWhere stories live. Discover now