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Chapter 21

"On another day, perhaps I might Miss Marston." He chuckled as he poured water and bent to wash the coal from his face. "But as you can see, I am in no condition at the moment to enjoy pleasures of any sort."

"Are you always this surly?"

He startled to realize she had moved to sit in a chair rather close, so that she could see his face. He didn't miss the way her eyes raked over his body as he moved.

She couldn't.

He smiled as he reached for the soap and came up empty.

"I moved it earlier when I took a bath."

"You took-" he shook his head. "Bloody hell, woman! We barely survived a tidal wave* and...and you found the time to take a bath?"

"No, Stu." She answered crossly as her arm flew out from the blanket and pointed to the bed. "I stayed curled up in that bed shaking like a kicked dog for most of that time. Except, of course when the wave hit... That's when I was tossed half way across the room!"

He leaned forward bracing his hands on the corners of the washstand but he turned his head sending her a questioning look. Shaking his head in disbelief he thought of all of the work that needed to be done. He hated taking time enough to wash and change but she-

She made some angry little sniffling sound and his attention returned to the angry little woman wearing nothing but his shirt and now only half wrapped in a blanket as she perched precariously on the edge of the chair. She crossed her arms and he tried not to notice the way it pushed her breasts up. He failed, so he lifted his eyes to catch her angry stare.

"The captain sent the stewards door to door to see if any of the passengers needed medical attention. I didn't answer the door, because I heard them coming and didn't want them to think..." after a pause she shrugged.

"A few hours later there was a knock and I thought...it...was you." Her pout turned into a frown and she fell silent.

He watched as her anger seemed to seep from her. Her shoulders drooped and she let her hands fall to her lap.

"And?" he asked softly.

She looked up startled by his voice, as though she'd forgotten he was there. The corner of his mouth tugged up a little despite the situation.

"It was the steward again. He said the dining saloon is closed until further notice. They brought your dinner." She flicked her hand toward a tray covered with a silver dome. "and apologized profusely for not realizing that you had company..."

She blushed as she finished in a near whisper. He drew a breath to speak, but she went on with some difficulty.

"He thought I was...that I...that you...well...you know!"

He nodded. It was the logical thing to think, given he was a known bachelor and she was dressed as she was.

"I couldn't let him go on thinking that I-that we-" Her words sputtered to another lengthy silence.

He made a rolling gesture with his hand and frowned as grey coal water dropped on the floor. His frown deepened in concern when he looked up and caught the expression on her face. It was embarrassment, but there was fear as well.

Bloody hell! He'd find that steward and rip his heart out with his bare hands if he...


The Charlotte Series: Book 3: The Pretender's GoldWhere stories live. Discover now